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    It's a Hell of a World

    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 12/29/2014, 11:25 am

    Nathan looked out at the city far below him. His home of Venice, Italy spread out before him as he flew away on the plan back to the United States. He had been there for the Maxwell family reunion and as per every year he left feeling home sick but also happy that he was on his own..relatively speaking. He had made it to the America's with his father and older sister when he was 15. The reason he left Venice is one that he tries to keep secret but it has to do with what Nathan himself can actually do.

    Nathan is a metahuman, having powers over the shadows themselves and being able to manipulate darkness. This "gift" came to him at a time when he was about 13 and still...well you know the cliche. He was picked on by some people that tried to harm him. instead he harmed them when tentacles of darkness threw his attackers away and made them look like ragdolls. Nathan tried to hide for two years after that, not wanting to cause his father and sister stress over him but at the same time not knowing what he was. But in the end the three moved to the Americas and it was a lot better there than anywhere else.

    The plane landed at about 5 am, the almost 12 hour flight washing over Nathan's body and the lag from the time changes making him more tired than he realized. But he found himself in New York City, one of the many places that he had a home in, the one that most don't know about being the White House itself down in the nation's Capitol.

    He pulled out his cellphone and hit the speed dial button, the phone ringing but going to voice mail. 'Never answers her phone immediately' He thought as the tone sounded to leave a message. "I'm back in the states, just landed in New York City." He left the message there and ended the call, walking out of the airport with his laptop bag hanging from his side. He walked down the streets of the sprawling city, glancing at the people as they went by.

    Something caught his eye though..a shady character entering a bank, and Nathan could've sworn he saw was he thought was the reflection of a handgun. 'Never a day of rest with these people...' He thought as he walked to the bank just as the man pulled a gun and fired into the air, causing the people to panic and drop to the ground, Nathan saw that there were some inside people that had pulled their guns to the the hostages as well.

    "He said get on the ground." One of the men said to Nate, training his sights on the young 26 year old man.

    "No." Nathan stated as the shadows started to come alive, swirling around him and lifting off the ground. They would've been stronger at night, but the dawn had set in and the lights from the building made his shadows weaker, but not so much that Nathan was useless with them. He saw the look of fear in their eyes as they opened fire. Nathan's shadows created a bubble that ate the bullets , dropping to the ground as if they had never been fired and then when the shooting stopped, burst forth and grabbed the robbers, holding them in air like they were weightless. He threw them all to the walls, and caused them to hit hard enough to knock them out. Extending his will, Nathan reached out with the shadows and grabbed the guns, breaking them from the inside out, "I hate firearms..." He muttered as he grabbed the unconscious men and brought the into a circle, telling the security guards to tie them up and call the authorities.

    Nathan left the bank as if he had never been there and vanished reappearing on top of the roof of the bank, sitting on the edge and looking out at the rising sun.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Morgan Landry 12/30/2014, 6:14 am

    Chiara couldn't care less about minor crimes. Bank robberies, thievery, beatings, she wasn't there for those, that was the job of Spiderman, the Flash, and their goodhearted crew. If she was going for anyone, they had to be real threats. Not some petty bank robbers.
    She had listened to the attack report on the police's radio -- they had hacked into their frequency ages ago -- and suddenly perked up at the mention of a seemingly shadow-manipulating young man.

    Well guess who that might be. She checked her phone, and indeed, one missed call from Nathan. She listened to the message, realizing she had missed Nathan's voice in the past days, then started her bike again as the traffic light had just switched to green.
    She had originally been heading for their apartment in Manhattan, but was now changing her route. Wherever Nathan was, he must still be somewhere close to the bank.
    A couple of minutes later, she stopped her black Ducati next to the bank and stepped off, taking her crash helmet from her head. Her curls cascaded over her shoulders. Scanning the area quickly, she zeroed on a shred of movement atop the bank. Seriously? That's where he's hiding at? She tucked her helmet under her arm and went into the bank, showing the cop a fake police card. She had like, tons of those at home.
    Once in, she squeezed her way past the officers and bank employees, finding the side staircase and climbing it up quickly.
    People of course knew about them the way they knew about the Arrow, Magneto or the Flash, but they didn't know their identity nor their face. If Nathan hadn't hidden himself with shadows, as he normally did, it would take a lot of time to erase everything.
    Both Nathan and her were metahumans; while he had powers over shadows and darkness, Chiara had the ability to grow weapons from her body like additional limbs. And, she had a superior metabolism thanks to the program she had been part of in the American military -- yes she's French but the Marines also recruit foreigners, under certain conditions. And by superior metabolism, I mean muscles sheathed by monofilaments, immune system enhanced by repair nanos and bones reinforced by special ceramics and carbon fiber, making them light like bamboo but also hard like concrete.

    Finally she bumped open the door to the roof, walking out in the sunlight. She was dressed in a red top with a black jacket and urban camouflage trousers, her hands still protected by the Lycra gloves she used for riding her bike. Her red curls fell down to her shoulder blades -- though she'd cut them soon back to their usual shortness -- and her tanned skin was still as freckled as ever.

    "How was Venice?" She asked in Italian, spotting Nathan a couple of meters away from her.
    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 12/30/2014, 2:13 pm

    Nathan felt the sun's heat flush his face as Chiara walked up behind him asking about the trip. He smiled slightly at the sound of her voice after having dealt with relatives for a good week now. "English perhaps? I think I've heard enough Italian for one week. But it was good, same canal city it's been since I last saw the place" He told her, looking up at the red-head that he shared home with.

    Nathan had been together for a long time, but they never married. Chiara never felt like she needed to marry, it's surprising that she's settled down at all even by the metahuman standards, but they worked things out well enough and as far as Nathan cared for they wanted each other to be happy well enough to be fine. "Before you ask, yes I hid my face." He told her smirking at her. He knew she always hated having to erase their face from the system and made more of a point to keep a secret identity, even if he thought that he'd feel more free with the world knowing who he was, and not having some superhero name like 'The Shadow' or some crap like that. It wasn't how the two of them dealt with things.

    "How's the week been without me?" He asked her as he offered for her to take a seat next to him.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Morgan Landry 12/31/2014, 6:24 am

    "Delightful, like every time without you," she replied sitting next to him. "There hasn't been a lot going on though. Just some thievery, neighborhood murders, beatings. Not worth the bother." She flexed her hands, a blade growing out of her fingernail. "I need some real action."

    She dropped her helmet on the ground and passed a hand through her hair, shaking her thick copper curls up. It hadn't been that long since their last operation though, which had them going all the way from Canada to Iraq. But her blood still craved for the adrenaline rush she had become accustomed, no, addicted to. Every day that went by without some effort, some fighting, was worthless to her. This addiction to adrenaline was also part of her ameliorated condition, so she was not only stronger, quicker, swifter and gifted with better agility and reflexes than normal soldiers, she was also ready and yearning for any action coming her way.

    The blade had shrunk back into her nail but she still felt the bite of metal inside her index. "We might wanna go before the cops decide to inspect the rooftops. Meet you at home or do you wanna tag along on my bike?"

    Last edited by Morgan Landry on 6/14/2015, 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 12/31/2014, 9:18 am

    Nathan smirked at her, knowing what she meant by needing real action. Over the few years of knowing her he understood her need to have an actually mission or quest or whatever someone other than them would call it. To them it was a normal day drawn out too damn long, but in the end it passed and he watched Chiara wait needingly for the next chance to really push herself.

    "I'll ride on the bike with you, jet lag always gets me groggy, you know what happened last time I tried to teleport home from the airport." He said to her. It wasn't a pleasant experience. He got off the plane 2 years ago from a trip to Italy and tried to travel straight to one of their flats in D.C., instead he appeared in the White House, in the Oval Office, during a presidential conference. It had the headlines for literally months before Chiara managed to tear it completely down and they hid again. It was part of the reason that they hadn't stayed in the White House for a while because they weren't sure how much the president and other officials remember of it. Since then he chose to ride with her back to the home they were staying in at that current time.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Morgan Landry 12/31/2014, 10:20 am

    "Yeah, don't remind me," Chiara said and stood up. Then she actually laughed, because in retrospect the situation was hilarious. Just imagining Nathan appearing on the president's desk in the Oval Office and trying to slip away like, don't mind me whilst they were all in a deep conversation about geopolitics... that was too good, even with all the work that had to be done to bribe the medias into saying it was a misunderstanding, erasing his face and identity, etc.

    She stood up, her gaze sweeping across Manhattan's buildings and skyscrapers. Pretty view. Their apartment was close to the Chrysler Building, it wasn't exactly big but it was decent. Both of them could sustain it.
    As he stood up too, she realized she really had missed him -- even arguing, which they quite often did. But not now. She grinned at him, looked down at the cops underneath them on the street then kissed him, standing on tiptoes to press her mouth against his, her fingers digging into his hair. She could feel the strands through her Lycra gloves, closing her eyes to focus on the taste of his lips, her heart pumping faster in her chest.
    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 12/31/2014, 10:35 am

    Nathan smiled as he stood up behind her, glancing down at the cops as well. Then Chiara pulled him into a kiss and he kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her to hold her, closing his eyes as well. He held the kiss with her for a good minute or two before pulling away and smiling at her. "I missed you too." He told her softly as he smiled at her.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Morgan Landry 12/31/2014, 1:37 pm

    "Who said I missed you?"

    She grinned and got out of his arms, leaving her index intertwined with his for a second before opening the door to the stairs and climbing those down. There was still a pretty big commotion there so nobody paid the two of them much attention. They slipped away under the plastic things that secured the area and walked down to Chiara's bike. She took her second helmet from the compartment under the seat, handed it to Nathan and put her own on her head, pulled down the visor and straddled her Ducati, ready to start it as soon Nate sat down behind her.
    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 1/15/2015, 11:15 am

    Nathan climbed onto the back of the bike and wrapped his arms around falling asleep on her back as they returned to the condo. He glanced at the building, waking up as he felt the motion of the bike stop next to the sidewalk. He got off the bike, slumping a bit like he was going to fall over.

    "I forgot how much I miss home." he told her as they entered the building and got to the room. He fell on the bed barely keeping from passing out.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Morgan Landry 1/16/2015, 8:26 pm

    Ah, jet lag was such a wonderful thing. She knew what it was like, as she regularly flew to Corsica to check up on her family.
    Their apartment wasn't big, as said, but it was modern with huge windows of reinforced glass going from floor to ceiling and pale stone walls. Chiara dropped her helmet on the couch and almost went to get a beer when she saw Nathan stumbling into the bedroom and falling on the duvet. Chiara hadn't tidied up the bed this morning -- she wasn't exactly the tidy type of person, judging by all the workout equipment scattered across the condo, so it looked pretty messy.
    She followed him into the room and sat down next to him on the bed, watching his face. Chiara knew his features by heart but somewhere she couldn't get enough of it. Her blood pulsed in her wrists and throat. With half a smile, she laid down next to him, not caring to take her combat boots off and passed an arm around him, feeling his bodily warmth through his clothing. The scent of his skin and hair was heady, making her close her eyes and place her forehead against his.
    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 1/17/2015, 9:56 pm

    Nathan slept, subconciously wrapping an arm around Chiara as they napped, but his slumber was stirred. He opened his eyes, noticing the bright daylight shining through the apartment windows. A shadow was cast from that light, a man's figure with lightning bolts for ears. He glanced up at the man in the red and yellow suit and rolled his eyes slightly, noticing, though probably mistaken about it, that Chiara was still asleep.

    He disappeared from the bed, not getting up but melting into the darkness and reforming standing in front of the foot of it. "Flash...ha..since when do you commit breaking and entering?" He asked the living lightning bolt though Barry didn't seem to take much of a joke about it.

    "There's a problem Shadow." Barry Allen told the metahuman

    "My name is Nathan, I don't use those blasted code name y'all give each other. And it's not my problem whatever it is. In case you couldn't tell I just got home, I'd like to spend some time with someone that shares my interests." Nathan told his...acquaintance as he went and poured a small glass of whiskey

    "I wonder why you two don't just marry already...anyway this is a conflict of interest that does concern you." Barry insisted, steadfast on the fact that he wouldn't be leaving.

    "What's happened to her..?" Nathan asked, glaring at the realization of what Barry meant. The Flash had been watching Nathan's sister ever since Michelle had chosen to move to Central City. Flash would never come to Nathan unless something serious was going on.

    "I need your help." Barry simply said. Almost about to leave, wanting Nathan to come to Central to talk about the situation.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Morgan Landry 1/17/2015, 10:17 pm

    Chiara had been barely slumbering when her senses had alerted her of a presence in her back. Reluctantly getting out of Nathan's warm and reassuring embrace, she straightened up as her boyfriend went to get a glass of whiskey. She messed up her red curls and stood up, briefly nodding at Allen. She was glad she didn't need such a ludicrous superhero suit -- she was just fine in camo outfit and combat boots.

    "Just tell us what the problem is, we'll take care of it," she told him, walking over to one of her gun shelves. Whoever caused problems to Nathan's sister would have their heads on a spike.
    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 1/21/2015, 3:08 pm

    Nathan glanced between Chiara and Flash. The scarlet speedster merely ignored Chiara's demand to take care of it and left, knowing that Nathan would come to Central as soon as he could. Nathan nodded silently and grabbed his daggers from the closet and tossed Chiara the keys to her bike, transporting the two of them down to the back corner of the lobby where no one would notice them.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Morgan Landry 1/21/2015, 3:52 pm

    She caught the keys in one hand before being transported by Nathan into their lobby. Taking one of her tactical knives from a glass case, she took a handful of her curls and cut them clean off, tossing them into the bin, stopping only when the hair tips were barely brushing her shoulders. Then she went to get her outfit: synthetic black leggings and long-sleeved shirt, camouflage trousers, Kevlar jacket, reinforced knee, elbow and shoulder pads, shin guards, arm pieces and carbon fiber composite chestplate. She hid guns in her clothes, making sure they didn't form bulges, and brushed her hair back with a black bandanna. Then she selected two of her favorite assault rifles from a shelf and put them in a large gym bag -- even with her abilities, she wouldn't go on any mission without being reasonably armed. And if the Flash thought this was a problem, then taking all those weapons certainly was reasonable.
    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 2/20/2015, 11:10 pm

    Nathan waited for Chiara to crank the bike and rode along with her on it for a good portion of the trip. But as soon as they hit the open highway out of the city he lost his patience and teleported the two of them and then bike a good distance from where they were to being just a decent 15 miles from Central City. He could do these jumps with ease using the momentum of the bike to propel is own powers, but it still came at a cost. He gripped Chiara harder as he faded into unconciousness, holding her tight so that he wouldn't be lost along the road as they drove into the city.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/21/2015, 11:19 am

    The teleportation always left a tingling feeling in Chiara's stomach, like pins and needles. The world melted to a blur out of which a city emerged in a vague crowd of buildings, starting to glow in the darkening late afternoon sky. Chiara sped over the highway towards the exit, then felt Nathan gripping her tighter and grabbed one of the wrists he had passed around her waist. She could feel him slump against her, his head heavy on her shoulder -- he must be unconscious. Grabbing both of his wrists, she kept the bike under control with her right hand while making sure he didn't fall or drop to the ground. At this speed, helmet or not, he could die.

    The bike stopped in front of StarLabs' particle accelerator in a loud and brief shriek. Still holding onto Nathan, Chiara stepped off and gathered him in her arms, holding her gym bag with the assault rifles in her left hand. StarLabs better have something to eat or she'd tear it down.
    They were let in almost immediately and made it upwards to the lab/office/thing which was the current heart of StarLabs -- or the Flashteam, like Chiara called them in her head.

    "Sup everyone," she said as she came in, dropping her gym bag at her feet. Doctor Wells wheeled over to her but Dr Snow was quicker. With Chiara's help, she put him on a lab mattress and started helping him regain consciousness by injecting him a bunch of stuff Chiara could never pronounce; meanwhile the short redhead greeted Cisco and Wells, giving Allen a short nod before sitting down on a nearby chair.

    "So. Details? Information?" She asked.
    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 2/26/2015, 5:45 pm

    Barry glanced over at Nathan whom was still unconcious. "He teleported you two here didn't he?" He asked Chiara knowing the answer was obvious.

    Dr. Wells sat there eyeing Nathan for a moment before turning back to Chiara. "So these two are what you ran an errand for? I hope it was worth it." He said as he glanced over at Chiara not much liking her appearance. Though that was how Dr. Wells usually acted towards people. He sat in the confines of his wheelchair and looked at Barry to continue.

    "Like I told you at Manhatten. I need your help, and it should be obvious that it's about her." He told Chiara motioning to Nathan's body.

    As if on que Nathan's eyes open. He raised up and looked grim faced at the group of people. "Tell me where the hell my sister is and who the hell took her. I'm in no time for idle talk and I have more than a fair share of morons to rip the heart out of."
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/26/2015, 6:06 pm

    Chiara shot a glare at Wells. "I hope you are worth my time," she said, picking up on his words, but Dr. Wells was past that already.

    "After Barry went to check up on Miss Maxwell, only to find she had been absent for a few days, we detected this security footage," he said, wheeling over to the computers and Cisco played a short video of a young woman being dragged into an SUV. It had been taken right in front of Michelle's flat and that red jacket... it was definitely hers. Chiara watched on, feeling Nathan's warmth right next to her as both leaned forward to not miss a thing. One of the guys then turned around at the end of the video and held up a panel straight at the security camera.

    "610 Aspen Court, Central City," Chiara read out loud then looked up. "That's in the suburbs."

    "That's all we got, and the moment we detected it I came over to you guys," Barry told them, crossing his arms.

    Chiara kept her gaze on the screen. "What do you say, Nathan? Should we pay 610 Aspen Court a visit?"

    "You can't just walk in there. It's heavily guarded," Dr Snow said.

    Chiara cocked an eyebrow at her. "Tell that to my assault rifles."

    "Miss Moreau, we are talking about a system of highly discrete security, which breadth is but a glimpse of how dangerous the kidnapper may be," Wells said in his annoyingly calm voice.

    "So what are you saying, that we should stand down because whoever this is may be dangerous?" Her voice was rising in irritation.

    "I am simply advising caution and preparation."
    Alpha Wolf
    Alpha Wolf
    Non-conforming Criminal Mastermind

    Number of posts : 1565
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-25

    It's a Hell of a World Empty Re: It's a Hell of a World

    Post by Alpha Wolf 4/18/2015, 3:16 pm

    Nathan was absent-minded through all the talking that Wells and Chiara batted at one another. He didn't listen, all he could think right now was about his sister. She was somewhere trapped and with her life hanging on the line. He couldn't accept that. Eventually the noise was just too much and he felt the shadows he controlled come to life around him whipping but not hitting anyone.

    "They chose the wrong family to mess with..." He muttered under his breath, coming to the conclusion of how he'd handle it.

    He turned to Barry with a common, "Please help us," look then turned back towards Chiara.

    "I take it you didn't pick up the sniper rifle did you..?" He asked her an idea playing through his head, hopping that she would catch on and realize what he needed her to do.

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