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    what the hell is a libero?

    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 144
    Age : 24
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    what the hell is a libero? Empty what the hell is a libero?

    Post by Jase 4/18/2015, 7:10 am

    what the hell is a libero? Tumblr_ncvzwiJWtq1soxc1ro4_500
    jack archer ; son of demeter

    it was a nice day out (okay, not really that nice, but whatever. it was nice enough). at least, it was a nice enough day to get jack actually interested in volleyball. oddly enough, despite being at camp for, like, ages, he still isn't that fond of volleyball. well, yeah, it looks fun when the apollo kids play it, because they're apollo kids, but volleyball just isn't jack's.. thing. but today, he feels adventurous. kind of. he's wearing a simple, cotton red tee shirt, with the sleeves carefully rolled up and a pair of denim shorts that cut right above his knee. his hair is in, as usual, a nice little quiff. he takes a seat on the grass, still contemplating whether he was going to actually pick that volley ball up or not. 

    Last edited by Batarang on 4/25/2015, 12:23 am; edited 2 times in total
    curly-haired charmer

    Number of posts : 1450
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-11-10

    what the hell is a libero? Empty Re: what the hell is a libero?

    Post by jake. 4/18/2015, 7:45 am

    what the hell is a libero? Tumblr_mzfmr1oXqZ1snont6o2_250
    miles - briareus - seventeen

    miles loved surfing.

    so you're wondering what the hell he was doing around here, correct? well, miles also loves volleyball. he was pretty great  at it, too. so here he was, shirtless, in all his handsome glory, sweaty and exhausted, spiking balls. he had just finished his third game with the nike's, and this time he was working with the... he checked the table. the demeters? miles couldn't help but frown. why theeeeem? they were so flower-y! he could beat them single handed at sports... probably. okay, so; miles was pretty sporty. most of the demeters he knew; were not.
    he sighed and looked around for one of them. as the nike's and dionysus' arrived, he spotted a blonde boy in the corner of his view. he put on his best winning smile and strutted over to him.

    "hey... you a son of demeter?" his irish accented voice asked, grinning excitedly. "i think we're in a team, bro."

    Last edited by jake. on 4/24/2015, 10:39 am; edited 2 times in total
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 144
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2015-04-03

    what the hell is a libero? Empty Re: what the hell is a libero?

    Post by Jase 4/18/2015, 9:46 pm

    what the hell is a libero? Tumblr_ncvzwiJWtq1soxc1ro4_500
    jack archer ; son of demeter

    jack snaps his head upwards when he sees a tall, dark-haired boy walking up to him. the guy's grinning, and he asks, "hey.. you a son of demeter? i think we're in a team, bro."
    jack nods. "yeah, i'm a demeter kid. my name's jack," he says, his lips curling into a smile. he gets up from his seat on the ground, putting his hand out to shake the guy's hand. he notices his obvious irish accent, and his smile widens a little at the thought of another irish kid at camp. cool, he thought. "which part of ireland are you from? i'm from waterford," his pale, green eyes dart up and down the guy, doing a quick once-over of him. he seems friendly enough.

    Last edited by Batarang on 4/25/2015, 12:24 am; edited 2 times in total
    curly-haired charmer

    Number of posts : 1450
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-11-10

    what the hell is a libero? Empty Re: what the hell is a libero?

    Post by jake. 4/20/2015, 12:04 pm

    what the hell is a libero? Tumblr_mzfmr1oXqZ1snont6o2_250
    miles - briareus - seventeen

    miles smiles at him. "you are, thats awesome, dude!" he says and flashes him an award-winning grin once more. his ears perk up as jack says he's from waterford. "dublin. the usual." miles shakes his hand firmly. his sea green eyes sparkle as he picks up a volleyball, does a little spinny-thing on his finger with it, and sticks it under his arm. "what position do you want to play? i can do vanguard, if you like. you can help block with me." he studies him for a second. "you're tall enough, and you look pretty fit." he says and sticks out his tongue playfully, and returns casually to the court.

    Last edited by jake. on 4/21/2015, 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 144
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2015-04-03

    what the hell is a libero? Empty Re: what the hell is a libero?

    Post by Jase 4/21/2015, 5:52 am

    what the hell is a libero? Tumblr_ncvzwiJWtq1soxc1ro4_500
    jack archer ; son of demeter

    he's taken a back, a bit, because he doesn't think a hot (yes, jack thinks the guy is hot as hell) guy like that would him 'fit'. he's never been called fit. his cheeks kind of flush a light shade of pink, but he shrugs it off. and then jack's lips curl into a slight frown. "well, crap," he mutters to himself, because he doesn't know anything about volley ball and he sure as hell doesn't know what position he wants to play. "uh, wait up!" he says, as he jogs towards the court. "i didn't catch your name. and uh.. i'm new to volley ball. i don't exactly know what position i should play."

    Last edited by Batarang on 4/25/2015, 12:24 am; edited 3 times in total
    curly-haired charmer

    Number of posts : 1450
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-11-10

    what the hell is a libero? Empty Re: what the hell is a libero?

    Post by jake. 4/21/2015, 11:03 am

    what the hell is a libero? Tumblr_mzfmr1oXqZ1snont6o2_250
    miles - briareus - seventeen

    miles turns around to see the boy again. "huh?" he murmurs, then his eyes light up. "oh! that's completely fine!" he chuckles. "silly me. sorry! anyways, if you're a beginner... then to make it short; if you're blocker all you need to do is enemy balls being attempted to spike. like this," miles says cheerfully and jumps up, arms jaised, fingers spread. he gives jack another smile and pats him on the shoulder. "hey... you'll be okay." miles says in a confident tone, zapping a finger gun at him. he pushes jack onto the court gently and nods towarss their opponents, waiting for the start of the match. "i'm serving first, okay?" he says to jack and spins the ball on his finger.
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 144
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2015-04-03

    what the hell is a libero? Empty Re: what the hell is a libero?

    Post by Jase 4/24/2015, 8:12 am

    what the hell is a libero? Tumblr_ncvzwiJWtq1soxc1ro4_500
    jack archer ; son of demeter

    jack nods, and is genuinely surprised by miles' friendliness. miles seems really confident, and jack is like, 'wow,' because even carter isn't this quirky. miles seems to be the [/i]good[/i] type of quirky, though. jack likes it. he shuffles his feet awkwardly, a little bit, once he's been persuaded onto the court by miles. it isn't that he isn't sporty or anything. jack likes sports. at least, he likes floorball and football (like, soccer, not american football). he's been the goal keeper a few times, so he thinks he should do fine. he nods when miles says that he's serving first. "after you," jack says, taking a step back.

    ooc: i am sO SORRY that i took this long to reply adhfgajdgf it's just school has been such a pain omg

    Last edited by Batarang on 4/25/2015, 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total
    curly-haired charmer

    Number of posts : 1450
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-11-10

    what the hell is a libero? Empty Re: what the hell is a libero?

    Post by jake. 4/24/2015, 10:45 am

    what the hell is a libero? Tumblr_mzfmr1oXqZ1snont6o2_250
    miles - briareus - seventeen

    and then the game began, and miles served. short note beforehand; miles is left-handed. his right hand threw up the ball and his right smacked it so hard he thought it was on fire. but the feeling was nice, especially after the ball hit the court square in the middle. "one point for us!" miles called to the other side, where the nike's were groaning and rolling their eyes. however, some of them smiled and grinned because they knew miles.

    he was smiling like an idiot, and he served again. the others returned the ball in a flurry of motion, and now their wing spiker was heading in for the attack. miles ran forward and nodded towards jack, hoping he knew what was to do. he stared at the leathery, coloured ball for a second, then jumped to the right, arms raised.

    ooc: it's fine!! c: no worries, bro.
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 144
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2015-04-03

    what the hell is a libero? Empty Re: what the hell is a libero?

    Post by Jase 4/25/2015, 12:31 am

    what the hell is a libero? Tumblr_ncvzwiJWtq1soxc1ro4_500
    jack archer ; son of demeter

    jack sees the ball coming, and then his instincts kick in. suddenly he isn't playing volleyball, and he's an actual goal keeper at a football field. he dives to the right, just as the ball seems to be dangerously close to the ground, and catches it with his fingers spread across the surface of the ball. wow, he thinks to himself, i should play the goal keeper more at football games. he lands on the ground, ball in hand, and he looks at miles. oh, yeah. this is a volleyball game. he isn't actually playing football. he blinks a few times and, still on the ground, he throws the ball to miles, hoping that he actually is supposed to do that.

    ooc: just something for you to note, i'm literally as clueless as jack rn lmao because i don't play volleyball e.e

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