A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

Morgan Landry
16 posters

    Mount Olympus

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by GavinP 6/23/2012, 4:16 pm

    I look up frowning "S-so you didn't want me?"
    "Oh, well i should be going anyway, do you mind if i hug you cause your the only parent i have?"
    Role Playing Addict

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Wisey 6/23/2012, 4:16 pm

    "we're both doing well. how about you?" she asked putting cassie down
    i run over to daddy and hug his legs
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Geniosity 6/23/2012, 4:17 pm

    "That's a lot of f&^%#@$ bad luck..."

    "Then your job must be REALLY hard during the Olympics, eh?"
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 6/23/2012, 4:22 pm

    Zachary wrote:Zack smirked at the question. "Well, I can't say we do. We did once, and she wants to have another good fight later. Or perhaps soon," Zack shrugged, smiling a bit wider. "We've fought things before, like I said about the minotaurs and Python. Those were some fun times..." He nodded.

    He then clenched his teeth a bit and looked at his shoes, for a different reason than what his dad had done. What was the harm in asking for a gift? Well...angering him...making him look selfish...

    "Dad, I know I may be asking for too much... but I was wondering if I could perhaps have a gift?" He asked, looking into his dad's eyes. "But I understand if you can't," He added quickly.

    Zeus frowned slightly at Zachary, arms still folded across his chest. "A gift, hm? I'll think about it. You could wait until Christmas for one, since I can't give you a gift now -- that would look like favoritism, would it not? The other gods would call me a hypocrite for it. But I'll think about it, son."

    (ooc: or you could always buy one from the site store)

    GavinP wrote:I look up frowning "S-so you didn't want me?"
    "Oh, well i should be going anyway, do you mind if i hug you cause your the only parent i have?"

    Melinoe frowned, holding out her arms. "I didn't want you? I'm not a big fan of children, but if they're my own I'll still have motherly 'love' for my own."

    Sekhmet shook her head, holding out her arms to Xena.

    Wise_Girl000 wrote: "we're both doing well. how about you?" she asked putting cassie down
    i run over to daddy and hug his legs

    Apollo patted Cassie on the head again, smiling. "I'm fine.... You aren't teaching Cass how to use a weapon yet, are you?"

    Frizzlepuss wrote:"That's a lot of f&^%#@$ bad luck..."

    "Then your job must be REALLY hard during the Olympics, eh?"

    Phobos chuckled to himself. "I'm sure, kid, I'm sure. But the Fates would be better to talk to, but even then they won't tell you why you've got this bad luck...." He looked over his shoulder -- Athena was giving him and AJ a death glare. "And next time, try not to use language like that, kiddo. Athena hates 'vulgar language.'"

    "Oh, sure. It's highly competitive, difficult to win. But if you do, yay you." Nike clapped her hands, standing up.

    Last edited by Kendall on 6/23/2012, 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Morgan Landry 6/23/2012, 4:22 pm

    I looked at the father and the son and decided the two of them must have plenty of things to talk about other than the son's girlfriend.
    I bowed to Zeus.

    - It has been a great pleasure of meeting you, my King, I said.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 6/23/2012, 4:23 pm

    Zeus raised his eyebrows at Morgan, chuckling slightly to himself. "No, no, Ms. Morgan. The pleasure is all mine -- no need to bow. This is a family meeting, not a day in an emperor's court."
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by GavinP 6/23/2012, 4:24 pm

    "Oh" I bow my head down
    I walk into sekhmets arms and hug her tight "I love you mother"
    Role Playing Addict

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Wisey 6/23/2012, 4:27 pm

    "i dont have to, shes a natural with arrows"
    cassie just giggled and smiled happily

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Zachary 6/23/2012, 4:28 pm

    OOC: Yeah, I just thought it'd be a bit out of character for Zack not to ask.

    "That's fine dad," Zack smiled widely. "I know I hardly know you and all, and this is the first time we've really met... but I love you, dad." He said, hugging his dad who was only 2 inches taller than him.

    "You're one cool cat." Zack chuckled, then took a step back. "So, what do you think of Morgan?" Zack asked Zeus.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 6/23/2012, 4:31 pm

    GavinP wrote:"Oh" I bow my head down
    I walk into sekhmets arms and hug her tight "I love you mother"

    Melinoe yawned, glancing around. "Well, anything else then?"

    Sekhmet nodded, hugging Xena back. "I love you too, dear."

    Wise_Girl000 wrote: "i dont have to, shes a natural with arrows"
    cassie just giggled and smiled happily

    "Oh, is she, now?" Apollo glanced down at Cassie. "Does she have her own little bow and everything?"

    Zachary wrote:OOC: Yeah, I just thought it'd be a bit out of character for Zack not to ask.

    "That's fine dad," Zack smiled widely. "I know I hardly know you and all, and this is the first time we've really met... but I love you, dad." He said, hugging his dad who was only 2 inches taller than him.

    "You're one cool cat." Zack chuckled, then took a step back. "So, what do you think of Morgan?" Zack asked Zeus.

    Zeus patted Zachary on the shoulder, chuckling to himself. "Morgan? Oh, she's a wonderful girl, it seems to me. Of course, I can't judge from only five minutes of conversation. But if she's wonderful to you, too, Zachary, then she's wonderful to me."
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Geniosity 6/23/2012, 4:36 pm

    "Wait... I thought this was Olympus? Where ELSE would you find more vulgar language than in the court of the gods?" I said, real low, so only Phobos and I could hear.

    "So, what do athletes do to gain your favor, um... Not that i'd ever USE that information, heh heh."
    Role Playing Addict

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Wisey 6/23/2012, 4:37 pm

    "yup look!" she said excitingly pressing the charm on her necklace and a bow was in her hand with her quiver of arrows on her back
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by GavinP 6/23/2012, 4:38 pm

    "No thats all I'll see you in december" I smile
    "I'll see you soon" I let go and smile
    Retired Staff Member <3

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Blaze 6/23/2012, 4:39 pm

    "Bye mom!" I tell her as I walk into the elevator. "See you at the winter solstice trip!" the elevator goes to the bottom floor and I leave.

    "I have to go now mother. See you next time!" I run into the elevator which goes down to the bottom floor. After that, I leave.

    Number of posts : 747
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Zachary 6/23/2012, 4:39 pm

    "Understandable," Zack smiled. "And yeah, she's quite wonderful, although I think she can be as stubborn as I can get sometimes," Zack chuckled a bit. He was trying to think of something to bring up to Zeus, but he couldn't really think of anything. But then Zack had an epiphany.

    "Dad, is there anything you need done but can't? What I'm trying to ask is, do you need a quest done? It'd be nice to help you out with something." He asked his dad. A quest was something Zack thought he could do, especially with being both smart and a good fighter, but he never went on one because he felt that it was better if he were to do things alone. Then he met Morgan...
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 6/23/2012, 4:42 pm

    Frizzlepuss wrote:"Wait... I thought this was Olympus? Where ELSE would you find more vulgar language than in the court of the gods?" I said, real low, so only Phobos and I could hear.

    "So, what do athletes do to gain your favor, um... Not that i'd ever USE that information, heh heh."

    Phobos scowled at AJ, shaking his finger at him. "Here? We don't use mortal swears on Olympus -- those have become more vulgar than any swear a demigod or a god would use."

    Nike frowned at Jack. "They simply try their best. That's all."

    Wise_Girl000 wrote: "yup look!" she said excitingly pressing the charm on her necklace and a bow was in her hand with her quiver of arrows on her back

    Apollo nodded, smiling. "How far can you shoot with that?"

    GavinP wrote:"No thats all I'll see you in december" I smile
    "I'll see you soon" I let go and smile

    "Well, bye then." With that, Melinoe yawned and stuck her hand through the throne again.

    "See you soon," Sekhmet echoed, patting Xena's arm.

    Blazer123 wrote:"Bye mom!" I tell her as I walk into the elevator. "See you at the winter solstice trip!" the elevator goes to the bottom floor and I leave.

    "I have to go now mother. See you next time!" I run into the elevator which goes down to the bottom floor. After that, I leave.

    Nike and Hecate both waved bye to their departing children.
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by GavinP 6/23/2012, 4:43 pm

    "One more thing mom, how high do you think we are?"
    I walk away with tears falling from my face again. I get the elevator down to the ground floor and leave
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Geniosity 6/23/2012, 4:52 pm

    I fought back the urge to burst out laughing. "That's... REALLY surprising."

    That was not what I had expected. "I know, but that's the point, you said you not only award people victory, you aid them in achieving it, right?"
    Role Playing Addict

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Wisey 6/23/2012, 4:53 pm

    "umm" i looked around for a target and saw an apple on a table about 6 yards away. i notched an arrow into my bow, aimed and let it soar hitting the apple in the dead center

    i smiled and clapped softly
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 6/23/2012, 5:01 pm

    GavinP wrote:"One more thing mom, how high do you think we are?"

    Melinoe shrugged, pulling her hand out of the giant throne. "Oh, I don't know. We're not quite in space, but we're almost there."

    Frizzlepuss wrote:I fought back the urge to burst out laughing. "That's... REALLY surprising."

    That was not what I had expected. "I know, but that's the point, you said you not only award people victory, you aid them in achieving it, right?"

    Phobos shrugged. "That's one way we're better than mortals -- we're not as vulgar, we don't concentrate on looking cool."

    "If they try their best and push themselves, yes." Nike nodded, rubbing her wrist.

    Wise_Girl000 wrote: "umm" i looked around for a target and saw an apple on a table about 6 yards away. i notched an arrow into my bow, aimed and let it soar hitting the apple in the dead center

    i smiled and clapped softly

    Apollo clapped softly, so as not to draw attention to them; Athena hated it when people showed off weapons in the throne room. "That's very good, Cassie. Do you practice a lot?"

    Last edited by Kendall on 6/23/2012, 5:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Loyal Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by GavinP 6/23/2012, 5:03 pm

    "too high for me to shadow travel down to the city?"
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 6/23/2012, 5:06 pm

    GavinP wrote:"too high for me to shadow travel down to the city?"

    "It'll be like falling from an airplane," Melinoe drawled to him.

    Zachary wrote:"Understandable," Zack smiled. "And yeah, she's quite wonderful, although I think she can be as stubborn as I can get sometimes," Zack chuckled a bit. He was trying to think of something to bring up to Zeus, but he couldn't really think of anything. But then Zack had an epiphany.

    "Dad, is there anything you need done but can't? What I'm trying to ask is, do you need a quest done? It'd be nice to help you out with something." He asked his dad. A quest was something Zack thought he could do, especially with being both smart and a good fighter, but he never went on one because he felt that it was better if he were to do things alone. Then he met Morgan...

    (ooc: sorry, didn't see that)

    Zeus paused for a moment, then slowly shook his head. Either Zachary was searching for some source of fame, or he genuinely wanted to help him -- probably the latter option. "No, no. It's fine, Zachary. If need be, well -- the Oracle will call for you if I require a quest of you."
    Role Playing Addict

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Wisey 6/23/2012, 5:08 pm

    i smiled. "yes sir" i said making my bow back into a bracelet

    i smiled at cassie happy for her and glad that dad was proud of her
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by GavinP 6/23/2012, 5:09 pm

    "Oh, well i'll just do it to the elevator then... I'll see you next time mom" I smile
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 6/23/2012, 5:11 pm

    Wise_Girl000 wrote: i smiled. "yes sir" i said making my bow back into a bracelet

    i smiled at cassie happy for her and glad that dad was proud of her

    "Well," Apollo said to them, "you might be one of the best archers in camp if you keep practicing."

    GavinP wrote:"Oh, well i'll just do it to the elevator then... I'll see you next time mom" I smile

    "Goodbye then, Michael. If you meet any of your half-siblings, tell them I said hi." Melinoe went back to sticking her arm in the throne.

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