A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Mount Olympus

    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 12/26/2013, 7:55 pm

    Morgan Landry wrote:

    OOC: Also, I'm reposting this since Kendall didn't reply on it:

    BIC: Victoria calmly walked over to Athena. Her mother was looking classy and elegant in a war-like and dangerous way wearing only a white shirt and a pair of grey jeans. Some streaks had escaped her black ponytail, but her face was every bit as regal as Victoria had it in her memory.

    She came forward, knowing her mother would recognize the Harvard shirt she had given her.

    "Hello, mother," the young girl said, inclining her head, then looked back up. She wondered whether Athena knew about her magnetic board... the way she had invented it. Normally, the goddess should know, seeing how much Victoria had sacrificed her before starting the work on that project, each day.

    "And hello, Victoria." Athena inclined her head toward her daughter, giving her a once-over. Well, she hadn't changed all that much from the last time she had seen her -- which was, she believed, several months ago, when she had given her a present. A shield, she believed, if her memory served her well. "And how have you been? I hope your invention has been going well."

    Zachattac wrote:Lenore thought, then decided what the heck and responded. "All three"

    "All three? Well then." Aphrodite paused and thought a moment, giving her daughter a once-over. "For clothes, what do you prefer -- lights or darks? Makeup should be appropriate with those. Dark clothing should have dark eyeliner, bit of dark-ish eye-shadow. Makeup with overly bright colors like yellow don't usually work, in my opinion. As for relationships -- have you any interest in anybody?"

    Bane wrote:
    Kendall wrote:
    Poseidon, wearing a Hawaiian shirt decorated with Santas and little pictures of beach scenes, was casually leaning against the wall near his godly son Triton. He held his trident firmly in his right hand as he scanned the crowds of heads -- many of them around one tall, otherworldly being, animated and excited and some even crying. Bah. He knew he had few children to expect, which was good if they wanted extra attention... but few of them meant few chances of actually seeing them. Some might loathe him, some might just forget about him completely -- it was the holidays, after all. His children's mothers tended to take care of them better than Poseidon ever could, especially with some of the godly laws in place. Disappointing, really.

    And there he is Amelia thought to herself as she scanned the crowds. She spotted the man donning the Hawaiian shirt, a weird Christmas one, standing over by one of the other Gods. He also looked like one of the Water Gods, so possibly Triton? Or someone else? She wasn't too sure, but she was positive that that was Poseidon. She'd come this far, she could go the last bit. Her feelings towards Poseidon were somewhat mixed. Amelia understand that the Gods weren't meant to have anything to do with their Children, but at the same time, she wish he tried to intervene, she had heard that he had been there a lot for Percy. But he hadn't known till he said, maybe Poseidon had done the same for her? She doubted it, it gave the impression that Percy was his favourite... That bit she wasn't happy about. And that was the reason she never came here. Still, this year she was going to approach him and finally meet him. Amelia took a deep breath and wandered through the crowds of people, avoiding all the Gods. Soon, she was standing before Poseidon. This is it. She thought.

    And as if his thoughts had summoned her, Poseidon looked down to see one of his daughters standing before him. It was Amelia; he rarely saw her, although he saw his other daughter Kat quite often on Olympus visits. To be honest, Poseidon had never been sure she actually liked him; she seemed a bit distant from what he'd observed of her. Shoving these thoughts to the side, he smiled warmly at her, holding open his arms. "Well, welcome to Olympus, Amelia. It's wonderful to see you. How have you been?"

    kronos1215 wrote:"huh interesting.....hey do you get your power from conflict or from causing conflict/war".

    Ares scoffed, glaring down at his son. He knew his kids weren't the brightest of the bunch, but this was a bit far in stupidity. "'Course I do. Isn't that obvious?"

    Countryboy1024 wrote:"Mother ,is it odd that fire can form in my hands when my other siblings can"T? That i know of anyway" Blake bodly asked

    "I try not to father,and when is the next time your going to France?" Henri asked his father

    "It's hard to be the only boy in the family,but at camp I have brother alot of them" Tyler said with a smile at his dad and took a picture of him and sisters before they came to camp

    Hestia raised an eyebrow at Blake, tapping her teacup twice to make it disappear. "No, not really, Blake; it's fairly common among my children, apparently. Which I hope is a good thing, if you're using your powers well and for good reasons."

    Aeolus paused, trying to think for a moment back to his schedule book; he'd left the darned thing at home. France, however, he couldn't recall writing down for the next six months. "I might have assigned Notus or Zephyrus to France within the next six months," he told Henri, "but I myself should stay here. I might drop by soon, though."

    "Brothers are good, I suppose. Don't have many myself, except for... a bunch of nymphs, maybe, and then some demigod half-siblings of mine." Triton half-shrugged, tapping his watch -- made of coral, very nice handiwork.

    AuroraGirl wrote:I ran into my mother's arms, and hugged her as tightly as I could. I sniffed and wiped my nose. I didn't want to let go. I just wanted to stay here in my mothers arms forever, never having to go back to camp. I didn't have anyone to go to. I knew couldn't stay here forever. Another tear trickled down my face, and I didn't want to move to wipe it away.

    Well, that sort of hurt. Mousika was unaccustomed to very tight hugs, or hugs in general; it just wasn't her style. But she hugged back anyway, as a mother should, and patted her daughter's back. "There, there, no crying. This is nothing to cry about." She cleared her throat slightly, but was smiling anyway. First hug from a child of hers, heck yeah.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by The Seelie Queen 12/26/2013, 8:11 pm

    Maeve didn't know what was more uncomfortable. Watching most of the demigods embrace their god parents, the chatter amongst them, or the fact that she couldn't find her father, forcing her to lean against a wall and examine all of the gods. Well, examine some of the gods, because she brought her phone with her, but unfortunately, one could only lose the same level of Candy Crush so many times before you ran out of lives.
    She looked around again for her dad -- what did the god of dreams look like, anyways? She had no idea. She sighed, and pushed her way through a wall of demigods, determined to find the guy -- or god, she should say.


    Caleb was standing in the midst of the crowd of demigods. He searched over the other demigods' heads, looking for his dad -- which was quite easy, seeing how tall he is. "What do you think the god of doom looks like?" he said mostly to himself. The bus ride had been really long, and there was no space for his long legs, but being in Olympus had paid it off. It was beautiful. And looking at the gorgeous gods and goddesses was a treat.    

    Last edited by The Seelie Queen on 12/27/2013, 9:10 am; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 718
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Chronos 12/26/2013, 9:38 pm

    "-well yeah but i meant,doy you get your power from causing conflict or do you get your power from conflict thats happening already"?
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Christian 12/26/2013, 9:40 pm

    Kendall wrote:"Sir?" At hearing this, Aeolus frowned at his son, slipping a hand into his trouser pocket. "I'm your father, not your drill sergeant. Call me dad or... whatever non-offensive names you'd use to call somebody your father." He cleared his throat, giving his son a once-over; he looked a bit more hairy than the last time he'd seen him. Taller, too, but these things were to be expected because of puberty. Or something, he guessed.

    "The wind is fine," the god told him, nodding as if that were a perfectly normal answer. "A bit uncontrollable at times, but the other air gods and I keep a tight leash on them. Especially in these troubling times."

    Aang nodded slowly. "Sure thing, Dad." He said, a little hesitant. It was still hard to believe the fact that he had a god as a father. All that power... inherited into him. He was part god. He pushed those thoughts away, as he was trying to talk to his dad for the short amount of time they had together. He saw his Dad look him over, and desperately hope he didn't bring up something embarrassing, such as 'the talk'.

    "Troubling times, Dad?" He asked, purely curious. He knew he had no business in this affair, but he couldn't help being curious.
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by moriarty 12/26/2013, 10:13 pm

    I loosened my grip, sniffed again, and wiped my nose. I looked at my mother and felt the happiest I had felt since before my dad died. I have a parent, and I'm hugging her right now. I know, I know. But I'm just so happy. I haven't been this happy since before... I trailed off. She knew what I was talking about. She saw every bit of it. I hope.
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXSpiritXx 12/27/2013, 12:33 am

    "Thank you for understanding mum. If it wasn't da's birthday I would be here on the summer solstice too." Roxy was relieved Hestia wasn't mad at her. "I love ya both so much, it's been pretty rough withoutchya. Still...just one day a year is enough though I really wish we had more time." her smile was still bright and cheerful though she was upset.
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Holly 12/27/2013, 1:02 am

    Lenore blushed and nodded slightly, remembering that girl she thought looked cute in te Apollo cabin, but couldn't quite remember her name. "There...there are a few" she stuttered as she mentally took notes of what Aphrodite said about style. Lenore blew a strand of her blue hair from her eyes as she smiled at her mom.

    Number of posts : 701
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Maybeth 12/27/2013, 2:59 am

    Jason gave in a shy smile, that turned into a wide one! His father was truly great.

    -Em, hey, I actually would like you to do me a favor. He said scratching the back of his head, till he realised, that was what his father did before. They might had similarities after all!

    -There is...Someone... very special...Jason said hesitating, wondering if the god would agree into this, and even if he would keep it secret.

    -And I want to make a poem for her, but... I can't... Can you help me? Jason looked his father's eyes with hope. He was wondering what happened to him, and he was suddenly like an open book!

    OCC: killed the topic?
    Dedicated Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by horselover96 12/27/2013, 10:58 am

    "It's ablessibg because I know my mother made it to the underworld safely after she died trying to protect me"Alyster said

    "I'm sort of excited,But I have multiple siblings as is so iguess it's part of Daily life for a demigod" Aiden said

    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 12/27/2013, 11:03 am

    "You look frantic father are you ok?" Tyler asked

    "I'm the only one in my cabin that Can do it that i know of" B;ale said

    "When you do i'd love it if you would have Khione scheduled to make it snow in pairis " Henri said

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    Number of posts : 206
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXVickyXx 12/27/2013, 12:14 pm

    I walked up the mountain.I looked for Ares or Austin.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 12/27/2013, 3:12 pm

    The Seelie Queen wrote:Maeve didn't know what was more uncomfortable. Watching most of the demigods embrace their god parents, the chatter amongst them, or the fact that she couldn't find her father, forcing her to lean against a wall and examine all of the gods. Well, examine some of the gods, because she brought her phone with her, but unfortunately, one could only lose the same level of Candy Crush so many times before you ran out of lives.
    She looked around again for her dad -- what did the god of dreams look like, anyways? She had no idea. She sighed, and pushed her way through a wall of demigods, determined to find the guy -- or god, she should say.


    Caleb was standing in the midst of the crowd of demigods. He searched over the other demigods' heads, looking for his dad -- which was quite easy, seeing how tall he is. "What do you think the god of doom looks like?" he said mostly to himself. The bus ride had been really long, and there was no space for his long legs, but being in Olympus had paid it off. It was beautiful. And looking at the gorgeous gods and goddesses was a treat.    

    Morpheus stood to the side of the throng, glancing around lazily for some more of his children. He had had some decent conversations with some of his kids, and a few snide insults from others for giving them bad dreams. The god of dreams was in his typical form -- a white-haired man with a goatee, wearing a dark woolen cloak over his shirt and dark pants. He had been working all night and was slightly exhausted by this hour -- what was it, four in the afternoon? Night shifts weren't as fun as they used to be.

    The god Moros stood basically alone in a shadowy corner of the room, flipping a coin up and down in his hand. He wore dark-colored jeans and a plain gray hoodie to signify his very-apparent disinterest in the proceedings going on around him; he had barely bothered to look tidy at all. Moros barely had any kids and they didn't like to visit him. It was fairly stupid that he, having demigod children, was required to come even though he had a pretty low chance of getting a visit from one of his kids at all -- who would want a god of doom as a parent, anyway?

    kronos1215 wrote:"-well yeah but i meant,doy you get your power from causing conflict or do you get your power from conflict thats happening already"?

    "You sayin' I don't cause conflict all the time, kid?" Ares glared at his son out of the corner of his eye. He got power from all kinds of wars and fights -- physical, not mental. That was probably his sister Athena, if he knew anything about her domains.

    Christian wrote:
    Kendall wrote:"Sir?" At hearing this, Aeolus frowned at his son, slipping a hand into his trouser pocket. "I'm your father, not your drill sergeant. Call me dad or... whatever non-offensive names you'd use to call somebody your father." He cleared his throat, giving his son a once-over; he looked a bit more hairy than the last time he'd seen him. Taller, too, but these things were to be expected because of puberty. Or something, he guessed.

    "The wind is fine," the god told him, nodding as if that were a perfectly normal answer. "A bit uncontrollable at times, but the other air gods and I keep a tight leash on them. Especially in these troubling times."

    Aang nodded slowly. "Sure thing, Dad." He said, a little hesitant. It was still hard to believe the fact that he had a god as a father. All that power... inherited into him. He was part god. He pushed those thoughts away, as he was trying to talk to his dad for the short amount of time they had together. He saw his Dad look him over, and desperately hope he didn't bring up something embarrassing, such as 'the talk'.

    "Troubling times, Dad?" He asked, purely curious. He knew he had no business in this affair, but he couldn't help being curious.

    Aeolus sighed, shrugging. These were depressing times -- Gaea attempting to rise, the demigods of the prophecy lost somewhere trying to prevent that.... A whole host of problems. "I assume you've heard of Gaea and her attempts to wake up, yes? Giants rising, the whole Doors of Death fiasco with Thanatos being kidnapped. It's a whole mess, it is -- us gods can apparently never behave."

    AuroraGirl wrote:I loosened my grip, sniffed again, and wiped my nose. I looked at my mother and felt the happiest I had felt since before my dad died. I have a parent, and I'm hugging her right now. I know, I know. But I'm just so happy. I haven't been this happy since before... I trailed off. She knew what I was talking about. She saw every bit of it. I hope.

    Mousika nodded understandingly, still patting her daughter's back. Well, it had been more than twenty seconds now -- was this good enough? The goddess let go and held her daughter at arm's length; the girl was crying. "Would you like some tissues, dear? Or some hot chocolate?"

    xXSpiritXx wrote:"Thank you for understanding mum. If it wasn't da's birthday I would be here on the summer solstice too." Roxy was relieved Hestia wasn't mad at her. "I love ya both so much, it's been pretty rough withoutchya. Still...just one day a year is enough though I really wish we had more time." her smile was still bright and cheerful though she was upset.

    "And perhaps we may see each other more than once a year," Hestia mused, nodding to herself. She had heard of several gods going to camp -- sometimes with Zeus's permission, and sometimes not -- to speak to their children. Even Athena had done it at one point, and most gods were under the impression that she would never try to bend the rules. "Sometimes gods come to camp on business. I may drop by your cabin to see you."

    Zachattac wrote:Lenore blushed and nodded slightly, remembering that girl she thought looked cute in te Apollo cabin, but couldn't quite remember her name. "There...there are a few" she stuttered as she mentally took notes of what Aphrodite said about style. Lenore blew a strand of her blue hair from her eyes as she smiled at her mom.

    "Do you think you like a... certain type? As in, optimists, poets, bikers...?" Aphrodite already had a notion of who Lenore liked, but the goddess wasn't sure how comfortable her daughter would be talking about it openly. It was slightly creepy, she thought, that she could watch her children from afar and they may never realize it.

    Maybeth wrote:Jason gave in a shy smile, that turned into a wide one! His father was truly great.

    -Em, hey, I actually would like you to do me a favor. He said scratching the back of his head, till he realised, that was what his father did before. They might had similarities after all!

    -There is...Someone... very special...Jason said hesitating, wondering if the god would agree into this, and even if he would keep it secret.

    -And I want to make a poem for her, but... I can't... Can you help me? Jason looked his father's eyes with hope. He was wondering what happened to him, and he was suddenly like an open book!

    OCC: killed the topic?

    Apollo gave Jason a wide smile. Well, the god certainly couldn't help him with computers, but poetry was right up his alley. "Why, of course. I'll need to know some things this special lady likes, of course -- nature? Math? And what are you aiming to achieve with this? Do you want a short one, a long one...?"

    The god trailed off. Maybe he'd pressed too many questions at once, but he was on poetry hyperdrive. Always fun, always fun.

    horselover96 wrote:"It's ablessibg because I know my mother made it to the underworld safely after she died trying to protect me"Alyster said

    "I'm sort of excited,But I have multiple siblings as is so iguess it's part of Daily life for a demigod" Aiden said

    "And that is a wonderful thing to know, I suppose. A heroic woman." Thanatos nodded gravely; he could respect sacrifices for a 'greater good' -- although he wasn't sure exactly if that had a concrete definition.

    Aphrodite nodded gravely. "Sibling love is always fun -- it's one side of love people don't usually touch upon. Are you going to leave camp to see your new sibling when he or she comes?"

    Countryboy1024 wrote:"You look frantic father are you ok?" Tyler asked

    "I'm the only one in my cabin that Can do it that i know of" B;ale said

    "When you do i'd love it if you would have Khione scheduled to make it snow in pairis " Henri said

    Triton raised an eyebrow at Tyler. "Is that the word for it? 'Frantic'?" He was no god of education or anything, but how that applied to what he looked like, he didn't know. He would have described it as something like 'neutral.'

    "Have you met that many of your siblings?" Hestia inquired, tapping her chin. It seemed to her that people in her own cabin rarely interacted with each other -- and as she was a more family-oriented goddess, she found that slightly depressing.

    "Aah, well...." Aeolus shrugged sheepishly. "She's been going through a... rebellious phase lately. Not a very nice person to talk to. I'm sure it will be snowing soon; I could confirm it if I brought my schedule book, but I forgot it."

    Number of posts : 718
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Chronos 12/27/2013, 3:21 pm

    "no no no fatherthats not what i'm saying.nevermind"austin said as he took a step back and tried to avert his fathers glare and noticed anne byy the elevator and said"umm ill be right back"without waiting for a responce austin jogged off and got to anne and said "hey ares is over there"and he pointed to his father
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Holly 12/27/2013, 3:32 pm

    "Poets.....people with good control of emotions..." She said, hoping that maybe she and Aphrodite could talk openly about her preference, but her shy nature wouldn't let her outright ask the goddess who towered above her. "Maybe a little mysterious.....I...I'm still learning the types"
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 12/27/2013, 3:35 pm

    Kendall wrote:Athena raised an eyebrow at her daughter, not sure how she would reply to that. It was... stalkerish, in a way, to only observe your children as they grow up and to barely acknowledge their existences. Solstice presents near Christmastime and visits to Olympus twice a year, she thought, would not suffice for years without a certain parental figure. How problematic. She was not the best mother -- she knew that for a fact -- but she could do better if she wished, and if only the godly laws concerning godly children had been less strict. Athena could do nothing, however, so all she did was smile at her daughter. "I suppose I do know that, if you are not attempting to snap at me for whatever reason. But to say I've know how you have been for the past fifteen years is... a stretch, is it not?"
    .                   OOC: Her dad was a French biologist. He died from hemophilia (I mean, cut his finger and bled to death.) He looked like Mr Darcy from the movie Pride and Prejudice./////////                                                   As Athena seemed to be perplex, Celine realized that her emotions were preventing her from making coherent questions. Of course her mother hadn't been watching her steadily during her entire life, she probably had more important things to do. in fact, Celine wanted to ask if your Athena paid her attention, but she thought it would be better to ask something more serious. "Well ... I guess so. I'm so glad to finally meet my mom. I thought I had no family. You know, my father died tragically when I was a baby. Everything I know about him is that his name was Allan. Do you remember him well? Could you tell me how he was like? " Celine finally asked in a hopeful tone. She didn't have not even a picture of her dad, and spent his whole life with this curiosity, and who could describe him better than his mother?
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXVickyXx 12/27/2013, 5:01 pm

    Austin wrote:

    "no no no fatherthats not what i'm saying.nevermind"austin said as he took a step back and tried to avert his fathers glare and noticed anne byy the elevator and said"umm ill be right back"without waiting for a responce austin jogged off and got to anne and said "hey ares is over there"and he pointed to his father

    Anne said"Okay then".She walked to Ares and said" Hey,umm Ares,I'm your daughter.You recently claimed me if you remember"

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Chronos 12/27/2013, 5:22 pm

    austin walked back to ares with anne

    ooc:incase you didn't know the admins are the gods

    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 12/27/2013, 6:15 pm

    Lorelei might've gotten distracted on the way to Olympus. Everything was going well until she spotted a ramp. Lei had to ride on it or she would've died. And then the brunette had to waste ten minutes trying to find the six hundredth floor. Some kids had to help her, and they were like nine. After what seemed like a lifetime, Lorelei was greeted by the sounds of the god's voices thunder around Olympus. It was nice, she must admit. Lorelei looked around for her mother. It shouldn't be that hard, Chione was the only goddess that would have snow flying around her.
    Lei fixed her hair, she needed to make a good impression on her mother. Sure she's been here loads of times but she's never been here without Augustus. He normally did the talking for her. But Lorelei did get a gift from her mother so did that mean she liked her child? Lorelei sure hoped so.
    Lorlei finally spotted her mother not he opposite side of the room. Alright Lorelei, don't make a fool of yourself Lorelei thought. She started to walk over to her mother; once in a while she made sure her board was safely strapped to her back. The small girl approached her mother saying, "Hello, mom."
    She's always liked her mother better than her father. That might be because her mom was never around for Lorelei to get mad at. That's good, she guessed. Lorelei knew that she wouldn't be as posed as her twin, but she could try.

    Last edited by Jo on 12/27/2013, 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by The Seelie Queen 12/27/2013, 6:33 pm

    It wasn't until about fifteen to twenty minutes after Maeve began searching around again that she (finally!) found her dad. He was just as she had seen him in paintings and drawings around camp. Maeve adjusted the purple beanie that sat atop her brown hair, and with a deep breath, she made her way over to the white haired man, unsure of what she should do. He looked bored, she noticed. And then suddenly, all of the things she had wanted to tell him flooded to her mind. Why weren't you there when Mom died? Or when Stepfather didn't care? Do you not care about me? But instead she started simple. With her hands shoved in the pockets of her blue-black sweater that she wore over a blue t-shirt, she said: "Hi, Dad."


    The god of doom was in a place that you would expect a god of doom to be. A shadowy area of the room, with little to no one in it. After watching Lei make her way over to her godly parent, Caleb began to hesitantly make his way over to his, stopping suddenly. The god's choice of clothing made him look down at what he was wearing. A red plaid unbuttoned shirt over a gray t-shirt, and plain blue jeans. It wasn't spectacular -- but then again, neither was the god's choice, so that made him feel better.
    He finally came to a stop before the god, crossing his arms over his lower chest. "Um, hi, Dad." he said simply, wondering how awkward this was going to get.
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by moriarty 12/27/2013, 7:05 pm

    She nodded. She understood. I knew she would. Still sniffling, I nodded my head. "Yes Please, and Thank You."  I was glad I had come. I was also the only kid she would talk to, so I had her all so myself.
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXSpiritXx 12/28/2013, 12:04 am

    "Really!?" Roxy was absolutely thrilled at the thought of her mother stopping by to visit. "That'll be fantastic mum! Oh you'll have ta IM me so I have time to cook a meal for the two of us, then maybe we could bake together, and set off fireworks!" She was thinking of every possible activity they could do together when Hestia would visit her. Roxy was glowing as embers sparked from her body.

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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Maybeth 12/28/2013, 7:37 am

    -Well, Jason looked nervously at his father. Her name is Victoria, he had to start from somewhere... She likes all kinds of sciences, but mostly astrophysics! She is brilliant, and beautiful, with long blonde hair... Jason said at once!

    -I guess a lot of talking isn't so nice... A short one maybe? He wondered loudly.

    He looked around him. No many Apollo's children were gathered there, but they stepped too far to listen to him, under the loud noise of laughs, and deep conversations, of many half-bloods with their godly parents!

    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 12/28/2013, 9:53 pm

    Etso winces as Landon drags her across the elaborate throne room. "Landon! Calm down!" She exclaims through clenched teeth as her younger brother runs ahead, leaving his sister to trail behind. She mutters apologies as she bumps into people, desperately trying to find purchase on the slippery marble. Etso didn't know why he was so excited; Amphitrite probably wouldn't even be here.

    She wishes she was the same. All the beautiful architecture and shining marble in the room makes her feel awkward in her worn hunting clothes, and maybe, for the first time on her life, self conscious.

    She finally manages to stop Landon by grabbing onto a slippery marble column. He turns to look at her, almost surprised. "Sissy, let's go!" he whines, pulls, and persists as Etso's arms begin to slip. She struggles to hold on, but soon both of them are carried by their momentum, and end up rolling on the floor until Landon slams into the feet of a beautiful women. A goddess.

    Etso kneels quickly at the goddess's feet, muttering her apologies and pushing Lanndon behind her." I'm so sorry. Me and my brother, we were just looking for our mother, Amphitrite, and Landon got little excited, and...I'm so sorry. It won't happen again."
    Mr. Moseby
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 12/28/2013, 11:20 pm

    Chronos wrote:"no no no fatherthats not what i'm saying.nevermind"austin said as he took a step back and tried to avert his fathers glare and noticed anne byy the elevator and said"umm ill be right back"without waiting for a responce austin jogged off and got to anne and said "hey ares is over there"and he pointed to his father

    Ares grunted but said nothing. Apparently his kids hadn't taken to manners -- not that he had anyway, but he would have expected more since he was, you know, a god and they were mortals.

    Zachattac wrote:"Poets.....people with good control of emotions..." She said, hoping that maybe she and Aphrodite could talk openly about her preference, but her shy nature wouldn't let her outright ask the goddess who towered above her. "Maybe a little mysterious.....I...I'm still learning the types"

    "And that's perfectly fine," Aphrodite told her gravely. "I'd rather you find out yourself than only rely on somebody else's advice; to each their own." She didn't remember where she'd gotten that last phrase from, but she assumed it was something Athena had mentioned in one of their past (and how dull it was) conversations. "Have you approached any yet?"

    For now, Aphrodite neglected to mention her daughter's preferences, at least what she had observed -- the goddess would wait for her to be comfortable enough to state it herself. She would be a terrible mother, after all, to attempt to coax the truth out of her.

    High Warlock of Brooklyn wrote:
    Kendall wrote:Athena raised an eyebrow at her daughter, not sure how she would reply to that. It was... stalkerish, in a way, to only observe your children as they grow up and to barely acknowledge their existences. Solstice presents near Christmastime and visits to Olympus twice a year, she thought, would not suffice for years without a certain parental figure. How problematic. She was not the best mother -- she knew that for a fact -- but she could do better if she wished, and if only the godly laws concerning godly children had been less strict. Athena could do nothing, however, so all she did was smile at her daughter. "I suppose I do know that, if you are not attempting to snap at me for whatever reason. But to say I've know how you have been for the past fifteen years is... a stretch, is it not?"
    .                   OOC: Her dad was a French biologist. He died from hemophilia (I mean, cut his finger and bled to death.) He looked like Mr Darcy from the movie Pride and Prejudice./////////                                                   As Athena seemed to be perplex, Celine realized that her emotions were preventing her from making coherent questions. Of course her mother hadn't been watching her steadily during her entire life, she probably had more important things to do. in fact, Celine wanted to ask if your Athena paid her attention, but she thought it would be better to ask something more serious. "Well ... I guess so. I'm so glad to finally meet my mom. I thought I had no family. You know, my father died tragically when I was a baby. Everything I know about him is that his name was Allan. Do you remember him well? Could you tell me how he was like? " Celine finally asked in a hopeful tone. She didn't have not even a picture of her dad, and spent his whole life with this curiosity, and who could describe him better than his mother?

    Athena paused for a moment -- Allan, Allan.... Aah, yes. The biologist. "Well, I suppose you already know that you're French because of your father. He was a biologist, looked a bit like Mr. Darcy from one of the Pride and Prejudice versions -- the movie, I believe. A brilliant man, it's a shame he died so soon; he had such interesting ideas." She thought for a moment, and then continued on cautiously: "I believe he died from a cut somewhere on his hand, and that since he apparently had hemophilia he subsequently bled to death." The goddess sighed, shaking her head; mortals were so delicate sometimes.

    VictoriaJohnson wrote:Austin wrote:

    "no no no fatherthats not what i'm saying.nevermind"austin said as he took a step back and tried to avert his fathers glare and noticed anne byy the elevator and said"umm ill be right back"without waiting for a responce austin jogged off and got to anne and said "hey ares is over there"and he pointed to his father

    Anne said"Okay then".She walked to Ares and said" Hey,umm Ares,I'm your daughter.You recently claimed me if you remember"

    Ares raised an eyebrow at the girl. Well, of course he wouldn't remember -- he was a bit too busy with the various wars occurring at this moment to bother to keep track of most of his kids. For now, though, he attempted to humor her with a grunted: "Sorta. How're you?"

    Jo wrote:Lorelei might've gotten distracted on the way to Olympus. Everything was going well until she spotted a ramp. Lei had to ride on it or she would've died. And then the brunette had to waste ten minutes trying to find the six hundredth floor. Some kids had to help her, and they were like nine. After what seemed like a lifetime, Lorelei was greeted by the sounds of the god's voices thunder around Olympus. It was nice, she must admit. Lorelei looked around for her mother. It shouldn't be that hard, Chione was the only goddess that would have snow flying around her.
    Lei fixed her hair, she needed to make a good impression on her mother. Sure she's been here loads of times but she's never been here without Augustus. He normally did the talking for her. But Lorelei did get a gift from her mother so did that mean she liked her child? Lorelei sure hoped so.
    Lorlei finally spotted her mother not he opposite side of the room. Alright Lorelei, don't make a fool of yourself Lorelei thought. She started to walk over to her mother; once in a while she made sure her board was safely strapped to her back. The small girl approached her mother saying, "Hello, mom."
    She's always liked her mother better than her father. That might be because her mom was never around for Lorelei to get mad at. That's good, she guessed. Lorelei knew that she wouldn't be as posed as her twin, but she could try.

    Chione looked down casually at her daughter, with a -- pardon the pun, it couldn't be helped -- cold, regal expression on her face. She hadn't been on the best terms with most of the Olympians lately, so it was with reluctance that she had been convinced by some of her closer friends/bosses (Boreas and Aeolus, for example) to come to Olympus to see her children. She had plenty, of course -- but some resented her, some didn't, some didn't care at all. It was sort of all the same to her, although she did find it in her heart to develop affection for them.

    "Hello, Lorelei. How have you been?"

    The Seelie Queen wrote:It wasn't until about fifteen to twenty minutes after Maeve began searching around again that she (finally!) found her dad. He was just as she had seen him in paintings and drawings around camp. Maeve adjusted the purple beanie that sat atop her brown hair, and with a deep breath, she made her way over to the white haired man, unsure of what she should do. He looked bored, she noticed. And then suddenly, all of the things she had wanted to tell him flooded to her mind. Why weren't you there when Mom died? Or when Stepfather didn't care? Do you not care about me? But instead she started simple. With her hands shoved in the pockets of her blue-black sweater that she wore over a blue t-shirt, she said: "Hi, Dad."


    The god of doom was in a place that you would expect a god of doom to be. A shadowy area of the room, with little to no one in it. After watching Lei make her way over to her godly parent, Caleb began to hesitantly make his way over to his, stopping suddenly. The god's choice of clothing made him look down at what he was wearing. A red plaid unbuttoned shirt over a gray t-shirt, and plain blue jeans. It wasn't spectacular -- but then again, neither was the god's choice, so that made him feel better.
    He finally came to a stop before the god, crossing his arms over his lower chest. "Um, hi, Dad." he said simply, wondering how awkward this was going to get.

    Morpheus looked down and saw, to his slight surprise, one of his daughters. Reaching up, he rubbed the back of his neck and smiled at her. "Well, hello there Maeve. How have you been?" The standard questions all the time, that was one of the cons of being so distant from his own children. It couldn't be helped, of course, he had to follow Lord Zeus's laws if he wanted to remain intact, but he would have liked more leeway to see them.

    Moros glanced casually at Caleb, nodding to him in acknowledgement. "Hello, Caleb." He sniffled, glancing around at the crowds of children around other gods in other parts of the room. "Wasn't expecting anyone to come for me today, but surprise, surprise. Tyche is on my side today." And the goddess was literally five feet away from him, looking slightly bored herself. Ha. So funny. Moros mentally cringed at the joke -- he really was bored today.

    AuroraGirl wrote:She nodded. She understood. I knew she would. Still sniffling, I nodded my head. "Yes Please, and Thank You."  I was glad I had come. I was also the only kid she would talk to, so I had her all so myself.

    Mousika nodded and pulled a small pack of tissues from her pants pocket, handing it to Aurora before glancing around. Hm. She waved slightly in Hestia's direction; the goddess was busy talking to her children, but her gaze broke away from them for one moment to look at Mousika. She smiled at her and waved her hand in her direction, and a cup of hot chocolate appeared in the other goddess's hands. Nodding her thanks, Mousika turned back to her daughter with the cup.

    "I couldn't conjure you up any because I'm not as good with magic," she told her apologetically, "and I'm not sure if I even can conjure up just a cup of hot chocolate -- too busy writing music, you see -- but close enough, I suppose."

    xXSpiritXx wrote:"Really!?" Roxy was absolutely thrilled at the thought of her mother stopping by to visit. "That'll be fantastic mum! Oh you'll have ta IM me so I have time to cook a meal for the two of us, then maybe we could bake together, and set off fireworks!" She was thinking of every possible activity they could do together when Hestia would visit her. Roxy was glowing as embers sparked from her body.

    "Well, Roxy, the visit might be a bit sudden so I won't have time to IM you -- but is there a hearth or such somewhere in your cabin? I could send a message there to let you know beforehand, since I don't carry around many drachmas to use for an IM." Hestia nodded thoughtfully. She and Iris got along fairly well, but most of the gods knew by this time -- except for perhaps the ever-stubborn Peitho, who apparently didn't understand her powers didn't work on everybody -- that being friends with her didn't mean they got IM discounts.

    Maybeth wrote:
    -Well, Jason looked nervously at his father. Her name is Victoria, he had to start from somewhere... She likes all kinds of sciences, but mostly astrophysics! She is brilliant, and beautiful, with long blonde hair... Jason said at once!

    -I guess a lot of talking isn't so nice... A short one maybe? He wondered loudly.

    He looked around him. No many Apollo's children were gathered there, but they stepped too far to listen to him, under the loud noise of laughs, and deep conversations, of many half-bloods with their godly parents!

    "A haiku might be a bit too short.... So does a sonnet sound nice? It's fourteen lines, could fit a lot in it if you use iambic pentameter." Apollo stroked his chin, frowning up at the ceiling. He wasn't very good with the sciences, except for stuff related to heat due to his sun chariot and what Hephaestus babbled on about whenever he had to repair parts of the sun chariot.

    Shadowhunter wrote:Etso winces as Landon drags her across the elaborate throne room. "Landon! Calm down!" She exclaims through clenched teeth as her younger brother runs ahead, leaving his sister to trail behind. She mutters apologies as she bumps into people, desperately trying to find purchase on the slippery marble. Etso didn't know why he was so excited; Amphitrite probably wouldn't even be here.

    She wishes she was the same. All the beautiful architecture and shining marble in the room makes her feel awkward in her worn hunting clothes, and maybe, for the first time on her life, self conscious.

    She finally manages to stop Landon by grabbing onto a slippery marble column. He turns to look at her, almost surprised. "Sissy, let's go!" he whines, pulls, and persists as Etso's arms begin to slip. She struggles to hold on, but soon both of them are carried by their momentum, and end up rolling on the floor until Landon slams into the feet of a beautiful women. A goddess.

    Etso kneels quickly at the goddess's feet, muttering her apologies and pushing Lanndon behind her." I'm so sorry. Me and my brother, we were just looking for our mother, Amphitrite, and Landon got  little excited, and...I'm so sorry. It won't happen again."

    The goddess tilted her head to the side, looking slightly amused. She wore a sea-green dress with a necklace made of pearls -- slight indicators that she was a sort of sea goddess, but apparently they had never seen her before and, really, she could be any minor water-related goddess. Perfectly fine. She could play along for a bit; like her own husband Poseidon, she rarely had any children to interact with. "Oh, it's perfectly fine. Please, stand -- this should be a familial visit. And what are your names?"
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    Mount Olympus - Page 5 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXSpiritXx 12/28/2013, 11:32 pm

    "Of course I do! I wouldn't be able ta cook or bake constantly without a hearth in my room. "Working with da pays well too, so i've got lovely kitchen ware, not ta mention a fully stocked fridge." Roxy was glowing with happiness. Her flames covering her body, while she was aware of this it was her emotions that brought forth her fire. "Mum next time yer in camp please don't forget to visit me. I really do miss ya, even if you can only stop by for five minutes or so. I'd really love ta see you."

    Last edited by xXSpiritXx on 12/28/2013, 11:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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