A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

Lone Wanderer
tyler oakley
Edgar Allan Poe
Morgan Landry
19 posters

    Mount Olympus

    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 12/23/2013, 5:39 pm

    [OOC: If we miss your post, feel free to tell us -- but please note that you should at least try having your character call to or approach the god parent. It would help with posting.]

    Zachattac wrote:Lenore went up the elevator into Olympus with seersl other demigods and breathed a sigh of awe as he witnesses the majestic palaces. She smiled with delight as she ran into the gathering, searching all over for her mother until she found her. It wasnt hard, Aphrodite stood out from all the others. The blue haired girl approached her mom nervously and managed to speak in barly a whisper, her fear and excitement filling her as she spoke. "Hi mom"

    "Oh! Oh dear." Aphrodite turned around and smiled at her daughter. The goddess had decided for this occasion to don a lavender chiffon dress -- nice and flowing, just like her majestically long, dark hair. It was cheesy to think about, but she was a goddess of beauty and love, not succinct and nonflowery language. Those were probably the Muses. "Lenore, hello. I haven''t seen you in ages -- how have you been? Your hair looks absolutely divine today."

    Countryboy1024 wrote:Tyler looked around and called out"Dad? Lord Triton are you here?"

    Henri looked around for Aeolus  His mother told him that he had his father's eyes

    Blake looked around for his mother and Dared to speak her name "Hesita , Mother Lady Hesita are you here?"

    Triton coughed loudly, trying to get Tyler's attention. He was standing a mere five feet from his son, holding a trident -- a sort of miniature version of his father Poseidon's, but still very much deadly -- and trying not to get hit in the face by some of the rowdier gods. Readjusting the coral-and-seaweed crown on his head, he called to his son: "Tyler, I'm over here. Over here, son."

    Aeolus, standing in front of a full-body mirror, was distractedly attempting to straighten his tie; he was missing air time by being here, he hoped his kids had actually come so this trip wasn't for naught. He turned, clearing his throat slightly, and scanned the crowd for at least one -- one he could recognize, at least. He was getting more and more kids by the year.

    Typically, Hestia liked to stay low-key during Olympus visits -- offer her children tea, chat with them idly. It was always fun for the goddess, although she could never decipher in her children's expressions whether or not they were enjoying the visit too. Ah, well. The goddess was sitting by herself on a sort of bench -- futon? sofa? she didn't know -- just casually pushed to the side of the room, sipping tea from an old 18th century style teacup. It was wonderful, really. Leaning back, she frowned when she heard her name being called -- the voice was familiar.... Hestia sat up again at the second call and beckoned to her son Blake: "Blake? Oh, hello there! Welcome to Olympus!"

    High Warlock of Brooklyn wrote:It was definately a compliment. Athena was amazing in an inhuman way. Naturally. She was even more stunning than Celine was able to imagine. But she would try to ignore that fact and have a decent conversation with the mother she waited so long to meet. "I'm pretty fine. But I bet you know this. I bet you know how I was like for the last 15 years, right?" Celine understood why her mother had to left her when she was born and never saw her again. She wasn't angry at all, but she wondered if Athena could at least tell her how her deceased father looked like. It was so good to know she had a family, even if this "family" was immortal.

    Prince frowned. That knife was pretty cool. Was it suposed to intimidate him? "If you remember Maria, why don't you care about her? I mean... You knew when she was kidnapped by monsters, right? We didn't. We spent more than 10 years thinking she was dead. You're a god, you've got all-seeing eyes and such, so why didn't you bother to visit us at least once only to tell us that she was safe and sound? You really don't seem to care." The words came out in torrents. Prince just exploded in anger. After he finished that whole speech, he cringed, waiting to be struck by a lightning.

    Athena raised an eyebrow at her daughter, not sure how she would reply to that. It was... stalkerish, in a way, to only observe your children as they grow up and to barely acknowledge their existences. Solstice presents near Christmastime and visits to Olympus twice a year, she thought, would not suffice for years without a certain parental figure. How problematic. She was not the best mother -- she knew that for a fact -- but she could do better if she wished, and if only the godly laws concerning godly children had been less strict. Athena could do nothing, however, so all she did was smile at her daughter. "I suppose I do know that, if you are not attempting to snap at me for whatever reason. But to say I've know how you have been for the past fifteen years is... a stretch, is it not?"

    "Well, kid...." Phobos scoffed slightly, wanting to roll his eyes. Every time a demigod child had a problem, they tried to blame it on his or her parent: "Why didn't you tell us? Why aren't you watching us? You don't care." It was sort of pathetic, but Phobos could feel for them. Having some godly parent watching over you would be slightly comforting, he guessed, if they actually did something to help. "Zeus ain't letting us anywhere near you except during Olympus. Contact minimal except for important reasons -- and if you're gonna say your sister going missing was important, yeah. I'd agree. But the man wouldn't."

    kronos1215 wrote:I walked up the steps to mount olympus and looked for ares.

    The god of war, standing in the far right corner of the room, was busy testing a new sword he'd "borrowed" from Hephaestus's workshop on a wooden chair. With two hacks, he'd cleaved the thing clean in half, and then a half of a half. Beautiful, really -- he should send the old guy some flowers. He smirked and held the edge of the sword eye-level -- oh, what a fantastic point.

    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 12/23/2013, 6:00 pm

    "Hey dad" Tyler said with smile and fliped his long blonde hair to where his bangs show their blue hues"Are you the reason for all the killer waves today?" Tyler asked

    Herni saw his father "Hello father" Henri said to Aeolus

    "Thank you mother it is Great to see" Blake said and bowed to his mother
    Dedicated Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by horselover96 12/23/2013, 6:03 pm

    Alyster looked for his father with his violet eyes gleaming"Father Lord Thanatos are you here?" Alyster asked
    Role Playing Legend

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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Holly 12/23/2013, 6:25 pm

    "Thank you mother...." She said and blushed, smiling up at her mother. "You look brilliant too mom, and I have doing ok, it's hard adjusting at camp though, it's a lot different than home....but at least I still have my twin" she smiled a little. "How have you been....? Besides good, since your a goddess...." Lenore played nervously with her volume of Poe stories.
    Lone Wanderer
    Lone Wanderer
    Overlord of Sweets

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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Lone Wanderer 12/23/2013, 6:29 pm

      Ariadne stepped forward, her long and dark hair covering almost all of her face. She brushed it aside with a fluid movement of her hand, showing a pale face dotted with some freckles. "Dad?" she mumbled, before shaking her head in disappointment. You weren't supposed to call gods "dad", even if they made up one half of your genetic makeup. "Hephaestus? Uh, sir?"

      Dominik strided in, a look of mixed happiness and pride on his face. It was his first trip in a while, and he couldn't wait to see his mother again. He always remembered how his dad described her, and Aphrodite fit the description perfectly. She was talking to another child of hers, and so, as to not be rude, he gave a polite cough and a little "Aphrodite, madam?"

      Juan was scared. Here he was, not even three months at camp and he was already taking a tour of Olympus! There were some kids in his cabin who have never visited, despite being around most of their lives. He took a deep breath and looked around the stunning hall of gold and what seemed to be ivory. Maybe its appearance shifted with each demigod. He wrung his hands together and walked forwards some more, calling out "Lethe" while he stepped.

      Marion, of course, was the most scared of all. She bit her lip with just under enough force to cut it. Her eyes decided to focus on the small things, like how many tiles were on the ground or what the gods looked like. Some were beautiful, others were terrifying, and few were this alluring combination of both. As far as she understood, Apollo was on the "beautiful" side. She looked up, and called out her father's name, not wanting to approach anyone while she was unsure.

    Number of posts : 718
    Age : 111
    Registration date : 2013-11-10

    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Chronos 12/23/2013, 6:37 pm

    i saw some one in the right side of the room with a sword admiring the tip so i thought it must be ares.i walked over to him and said"ares?"
    Dedicated Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by horselover96 12/23/2013, 6:40 pm

    Aiden looked over at his mother Aphrodite "Hi mother ,how are you?" Aiden asked looking at his mother's eyes changing color to match his
    tyler oakley
    tyler oakley
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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by tyler oakley 12/23/2013, 7:45 pm

      the van drove off almost directly after helen got in. she was a little disgruntled by the abrupt takeoff, and her purse fell onto the floor. all of its contents spilled, sunglasses, mints, and even the ninety-nine store lipstick. helen quickly squatted onto the floor, keeping one hand on the seat to steady herself, and put everything back in her purse. she slowly got back up and nonchalantly got her phone out and looked on instagram.

      soon the van arrived, and helen got out. the empire state building towered over her. she walked inside, and she and a few other demigods rode the service elevator up to mount olympus. helen couldn't help but feel a little excited to meet apollo as the elevator went up. what was he going to be like? was he old? young? mean? nice? funny? boring? helen's mind couldn't stop thinking of all the possibilities. the elevator door finally opened and helen and the other kids walked out.

      damn, was the first thing helen thought as she looked up at olympus. okay, so, first of all, the gods were like freaking ten feet tall, and the architecture was beautiful. she looked around to try and find her father, and the first god she saw, she knew it was apollo. it seemed like he was in his twenties. he was thin, for someone ten feet tall, and coolness radiated from him. literally. he, like, was shining. but as god of the sun, it was okay for him to shine.helen awkwardly approached him. weirdly, she was the only apollo child there. she thought he had like a thousand kids. apparently not. she stood at his feet. "...dad?"
    Experienced Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXSpiritXx 12/23/2013, 9:41 pm

    Roxy was a little rattled from the ride up the service elevator her claustrophobia was kicking in but there was no way she was missing out on seeing her mom. The elevator door opened and Roxy practically ran out of it. She walked past a lot of the other demigods until she saw her mother. Hestia was just as lovely as she remembered, Roxy made her way through the crowd until she was face to face with the goddess. "Hello mum it's been a while. I really hate havin ta wait all year ta see you." Roxy grinned.

    Number of posts : 718
    Age : 111
    Registration date : 2013-11-10

    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Chronos 12/23/2013, 10:19 pm

    Jack walked into the enormous city and stared in awe.He walked around and started to look for for the craftsmen god himself
    Honorary Cat

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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by communist 12/23/2013, 10:46 pm

    Lexus staggered out of the elevator, a disgruntled expression on her face. She had no idea why the gods had such awful music--they were gods, for gods' sake; wouldn't they have better taste?

    But all bad thoughts left Lexi's mind as soon as she got a good look around the place. "Wow", she muttered, absently running her fingers through her hair. The architecture was... lovely, to say the least. The brunette flashed back to her chance meeting with the famous Annabeth Chase a month back. It seemed that she had underestimated her skill.

    Lexus shook herself from her thoughts. Standing still in front of the elevator when there were still a few stragglers in it was not the point of the trip--visiting their parents was. She sighed and surveyed the thrones for a few minutes before her eyes landed on a middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair. Hermes.

    Well, if this was her dad, there was no time to waste. Looking extremely awkward, Lexi approached him, her gait slow and hesitant like she wasn't too sure what to do. She wasn't.

    "Er... uhm... hi, Dad?"
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1177
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2013-10-23

    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by moriarty 12/23/2013, 11:26 pm

    I walk down the hill, and eventually start running down it, trying not to fall. I nod to Argus, and leave camp. I walk up to a typical New York taxi, get in and say "Empire State Building please." The driver nods, and drives hectically through New York traffic. He stops, I pay him, get out and look up at its massive size. I think to myself, You're up there somewhere, Mom.

    Eventually, I make it up the elevator, and marvel at the beauty of it all. Wow. Annabeth designed all this? It was gorgeous. I walk into the throne room and stare at the gods. Amazing. I notice other demigods are around, talking to their parents. Fidgeting with my new brightly colored hair, I take a deep breath, step up and say, "Mom? Mousika?"
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Morgan Landry 12/24/2013, 5:08 am

    Countryboy1024 wrote:"Hey dad" Tyler said with smile and fliped his long blonde hair to where his bangs show their blue hues"Are you the reason for all the killer waves today?" Tyler asked

    Herni saw his father "Hello father" Henri said to Aeolus

    "Thank you mother it is Great to see" Blake said and bowed to his mother

    Triton shifted uncomfortably, a tense smile on his lips. Not because he was a marine divinity meant that he was responsible for everything that happened. The big sea god was Poseidon, not him -- okay he was his heir, but still.

    "Uhm, son," he grumbled, combing a white shell out of his beard, "Good to see you too. And no, I am not the reason for those waves."

    Aeolus smiled at Henri, his face looking smooth from all the make-up he used. A white cloud floated its way across his sky-blue suit.

    "Hello, Henri," he said. "How are you doing? I guess you watch my show every day, right?" he winked.


    Hestia's warm fire-colored eyes gazed at her son as he bowed. "It is great to see you as well, my son," she smiled, even though she kept an eye on him, like on all her children, so she saw him basically when she wanted to. "I am happy to see you have come to our hearth."


    horselover96 wrote:Alyster looked for his father with his violet eyes gleaming"Father Lord Thanatos are you here?" Alyster asked

    Thanatos looked up, putting his honey-golden gaze on Alyster. The personification of Death was sitting in a sleek obsidian throne, dressed in a black suit with golden cufflinks.

    "Hello, Alyster," he stated in his slow, deep voice. "Yes, I am here."


    Zachattac wrote:"Thank you mother...." She said and blushed, smiling up at her mother. "You look brilliant too mom, and I have doing ok, it's hard adjusting at camp though, it's a lot different than home....but at least I still have my twin" she smiled a little. "How have you been....? Besides good, since your a goddess...." Lenore played nervously with her volume of Poe stories.

    Aphrodite gave Lenore a luminous smile, her face and silhouette adjusting in order to match her daughter's beauty ideal, and put a streak back into her hairdo.

    "Ah, my dear, life at the Olympus is not really relaxing," she giggled. "There are always arguments and rumors -- I like the latter, don't get me wrong -- but sometimes I just wish I had more holidays. A little break on Cyprus would be absolutely beautiful right now." Before Gaea destroys it, she thought, but didn't word it. She didn't want to break the mood.


    Aries wrote:Ariadne stepped forward, her long and dark hair covering almost all of her face. She brushed it aside with a fluid movement of her hand, showing a pale face dotted with some freckles. "Dad?" she mumbled, before shaking her head in disappointment. You weren't supposed to call gods "dad", even if they made up one half of your genetic makeup. "Hephaestus? Uh, sir?"

    The god of blacksmiths was fixing something on a gear of his throne's armrest with a screwdriver when he heard something and looked down.
    As usual, he was wearing work overalls, which were smeared with motor grease, like his hands. His face had violet, green and yellow areas, his nose was crooked, his ears large, his hair spiky and his mouth diagonal. He attempted a smile.

    "Hello Ariadne," he grumbled. "Call me Hephaestus, not sir."


    Aries wrote:Dominik strided in, a look of mixed happiness and pride on his face. It was his first trip in a while, and he couldn't wait to see his mother again. He always remembered how his dad described her, and Aphrodite fit the description perfectly. She was talking to another child of hers, and so, as to not be rude, he gave a polite cough and a little "Aphrodite, madam?"

    Aphrodite turned away and looked at Dominik; again, she felt her features alter, drawing her as close as possible to Dominik's ideal of beauty.

    "Hello, Dominik," she said with a delicious smile. "You look absolutely handsome, that shirt really does fit you well. You should perhaps try those fashionable woolen jackets with it, I think they have reductions at H&M."


    Aries wrote:Juan was scared. Here he was, not even three months at camp and he was already taking a tour of Olympus! There were some kids in his cabin who have never visited, despite being around most of their lives. He took a deep breath and looked around the stunning hall of gold and what seemed to be ivory. Maybe its appearance shifted with each demigod. He wrung his hands together and walked forwards some more, calling out "Lethe" while he stepped.

    As somebody called her name, Lethe looked up and saw one of her children, Juan.

    "Juan," she called. "I am here. Hello, my child," she stated, her voice deep and melodious.


    Aries wrote:Marion, of course, was the most scared of all. She bit her lip with just under enough force to cut it. Her eyes decided to focus on the small things, like how many tiles were on the ground or what the gods looked like. Some were beautiful, others were terrifying, and few were this alluring combination of both. As far as she understood, Apollo was on the "beautiful" side. She looked up, and called out her father's name, not wanting to approach anyone while she was unsure.

    Relaxing on his golden throne, Apollo was listening to music with his white iPod, his sand blonde hair rather messy. He was wearing a bright white shirt and a pair of denim, with his Ray-Ban sunglasses. Despite the music, he looked up to see Marion, one of his daughters, come up to him.

    "Hello, girl," he said with his usual cocky smile.


    kronos1215 wrote:i saw some one in the right side of the room with a sword admiring the tip so i thought it must be ares.i walked over to him and said"ares?"

    Ares looked up from his sword, his features contorted in his usual aggressive expression. His fire-filled eye sockets were hidden behind his sunglasses, he had a leather jacket on his shoulders with a black muscle shirt and camouflage cargo pants. His combat boots were tapping the floor as if he was eager to leave in order to bash some skulls.
    A kid walked up to him and asked for him.

    "What is it, punk?" he aggressively asked, but there again, he hardly greeted a mortal in any other way than that.


    horselover96 wrote:Aiden looked over at his mother Aphrodite "Hi mother ,how are you?" Aiden asked looking at his mother's eyes changing color to match his

    "I am doing wonderful," Aphrodite said in her melodious voice.

    She patted her dress, still smiling, made a dove feather appear and placed it into her hairdo.

    "And what about you?"


    Skittles wrote:the van drove off almost directly after helen got in. she was a little disgruntled by the abrupt takeoff, and her purse fell onto the floor. all of its contents spilled, sunglasses, mints, and even the ninety-nine store lipstick. helen quickly squatted onto the floor, keeping one hand on the seat to steady herself, and put everything back in her purse. she slowly got back up and nonchalantly got her phone out and looked on instagram.

    soon the van arrived, and helen got out. the empire state building towered over her. she walked inside, and she and a few other demigods rode the service elevator up to mount olympus. helen couldn't help but feel a little excited to meet apollo as the elevator went up. what was he going to be like? was he old? young? mean? nice? funny? boring? helen's mind couldn't stop thinking of all the possibilities. the elevator door finally opened and helen and the other kids walked out.

    damn, was the first thing helen thought as she looked up at olympus. okay, so, first of all, the gods were like freaking ten feet tall, and the architecture was beautiful. she looked around to try and find her father, and the first god she saw, she knew it was apollo. it seemed like he was in his twenties. he was thin, for someone ten feet tall, and coolness radiated from him. literally. he, like, was shining. but as god of the sun, it was okay for him to shine.helen awkwardly approached him. weirdly, she was the only apollo child there. she thought he had like a thousand kids. apparently not. she stood at his feet. "...dad?"

    Apollo took out one earbud as another of his daughters came up, stopping next to Marion.

    "Hello there, Helen," he said with a smile, passing a hand through his unruly hair, which only added to his good looks. "How's music doing?"

    Least he expected from his children was to do some music. Composing or playing, or both, he didn't mind. And poetry.


    [quote="xXSpiritXx"Roxy was a little rattled from the ride up the service elevator her claustrophobia was kicking in but there was no way she was missing out on seeing her mom. The elevator door opened and Roxy practically ran out of it. She walked past a lot of the other demigods until she saw her mother. Hestia was just as lovely as she remembered, Roxy made her way through the crowd until she was face to face with the goddess. "Hello mum it's been a while. I really hate havin ta wait all year ta see you." Roxy grinned.[/quote]

    "Yes, it indeed has been a while, my dear," Hestia warmly replied. "How are you?"


    Allons-y Feels wrote:Lexus staggered out of the elevator, a disgruntled expression on her face. She had no idea why the gods had such awful music--they were gods, for gods' sake; wouldn't they have better taste?

    But all bad thoughts left Lexi's mind as soon as she got a good look around the place. "Wow", she muttered, absently running her fingers through her hair. The architecture was... lovely, to say the least. The brunette flashed back to her chance meeting with the famous Annabeth Chase a month back. It seemed that she had underestimated her skill.

    Lexus shook herself from her thoughts. Standing still in front of the elevator when there were still a few stragglers in it was not the point of the trip--visiting their parents was. She sighed and surveyed the thrones for a few minutes before her eyes landed on a middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair. Hermes.

    Well, if this was her dad, there was no time to waste. Looking extremely awkward, Lexi approached him, her gait slow and hesitant like she wasn't too sure what to do. She wasn't.

    "Er... uhm... hi, Dad?"

    Hermes looked up from his phone, where he had been checking his emails.

    That's right, don't say hi to us. We don't exist. George said in Lexus's mind.

    Hush, George, Martha said. She's nervous.

    "Don't listen to them," Hermes said with an excusing smile. "Hello, Lexus. How are you?"


    AuroraGirl wrote:I walk down the hill, and eventually start running down it, trying not to fall. I nod to Argus, and leave camp. I walk up to a typical New York taxi, get in and say "Empire State Building please." The driver nods, and drives hectically through New York traffic. He stops, I pay him, get out and look up at its massive size. I think to myself, You're up there somewhere, Mom.

    Eventually, I make it up the elevator, and marvel at the beauty of it all. Wow. Annabeth designed all this? It was gorgeous. I walk into the throne room and stare at the gods. Amazing. I notice other demigods are around, talking to their parents. Fidgeting with my new brightly colored hair, I take a deep breath, step up and say, "Mom? Mousika?"

    The goddess looked up and put away her scroll on which she had been writing a composition. Her daughter Aurora was standing right in front of her, looking a bit nervous.

    "Hello, my child," she kindly said.

    Last edited by Morgan Landry on 12/24/2013, 8:03 am; edited 2 times in total

    Number of posts : 701
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2012-03-29

    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Maybeth 12/24/2013, 7:09 am

    OCC: oh my... I had posted! but it got deleted?

    Jason knew he couldn't just stand there. He saw the other children, approaching their godly parents, and talking to them. He had to make the start for his father. He walked forward.

    He knew he was different. He could see it, in the eyes of his half-siblings, while they called him nerd and weirdo. He just liked reading more, what with that? He wasn't any genius, and never boasted about his knowledge. But he was indeed different from them. He, as a son of Apollo, never had composed a poem. He had never sang a song. He had never felt happy, during summertime, when the sun was boiling his head. He actually, hated that. He wondered what his father thought of him. If he knew? If he ever heard his prays when he threw some of his food at the fire.

    Thoughtful as he was, he didn't notice the girl standing nearby him. Another child of Apollo. She stammered something sounding like: "dad?" but he wasn't sure it was quite loud...
    He got closer.

    -Hello Father! Jason said as loudly as he could at that moment, that sounded actually normal. His voice had a tone of respect, and fear mixed. He bowed lightly, and pinned his eyes, at the enormous god's face. He hoped that he would be noticable. No matter what, he was a son of Apollo, and he had to be accepted for whom he truly was!
    Role Playing Legend

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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Holly 12/24/2013, 11:53 am

    Lenore smiled, feeling comfortable as she talked with her mother, her eyes almost popping out of her head as Aphrodite's image became the very idea of beauty that Lenore knew. "I've never been to Cyprus....." She murmured, blushing as she put her book away in her bag and smiled, her bright blue eyes staring up at the goddess.

    She noticed her half siblings all around her now, all crowding Aphrodite with compliments and questions, and she marveled at how the goddess of love seemed so calm in handling five or so conversations at once, not getting any mixed up or confused.
    Experienced Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXSpiritXx 12/24/2013, 12:12 pm

    "I've been fantastic mum! Thanks for my solstice gift last year, Draco is great." Roxy laughed thinking of how grouchy he gets. "I've been making loads of fireworks, I'm going home to help da with a huge show in a couple months. If ya have time you should watch, most of the fireworks I made are dedicated to you." Roxy grinned, her hair catching fire from her excitement.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Morgan Landry 12/24/2013, 12:13 pm

    Maybeth wrote:OCC: oh my... I had posted! but it got deleted?

    Jason knew he couldn't just stand there. He saw the other children, approaching their godly parents, and talking to them. He had to make the start for his father. He walked forward.

    He knew he was different. He could see it, in the eyes of his half-siblings, while they called him nerd and weirdo. He just liked reading more, what with that? He wasn't any genius, and never boasted about his knowledge. But he was indeed different from them. He, as a son of Apollo, never had composed a poem. He had never sang a song. He had never felt happy, during summertime, when the sun was boiling his head. He actually, hated that. He wondered what his father thought of him. If he knew? If he ever heard his prays when he threw some of his food at the fire.

    Thoughtful as he was, he didn't notice the girl standing nearby him. Another child of Apollo. She stammered something sounding like: "dad?" but he wasn't sure it was quite loud...
    He got closer.

    -Hello Father! Jason said as loudly as he could at that moment, that sounded actually normal. His voice had a tone of respect, and fear mixed. He bowed lightly, and pinned his eyes, at the enormous god's face. He hoped that he would be noticable. No matter what, he was a son of Apollo, and he had to be accepted for whom he truly was!

    Really, this had become a party for children of Apollo. The sun god leaned forward and looked at his kids through his Ray-Ban.

    "Hey Jason," Apollo grinned, his teeth a shiny white, as if he were doing an ad for a toothpaste brand. "Nice to see you. What's good?"


    Zachattac wrote:Lenore smiled, feeling comfortable as she talked with her mother, her eyes almost popping out of her head as Aphrodite's image became the very idea of beauty that Lenore knew. "I've never been to Cyprus....." She murmured, blushing as she put her book away in her bag and smiled, her bright blue eyes staring up at the goddess.

    She noticed her half siblings all around her now, all crowding Aphrodite with compliments and questions, and she marveled at how the goddess of love seemed so calm in handling five or so conversations at once, not getting any mixed up or confused.

    Aphrodite chuckled disapprovingly, which made her only more charming.

    "Cyprus is my sacred island," she told Lenore. "Be sure to go there one day."


    xXSpiritXx wrote:"I've been fantastic mum! Thanks for my solstice gift last year, Draco is great." Roxy laughed thinking of how grouchy he gets. "I've been making loads of fireworks, I'm going home to help da with a huge show in a couple months. If ya have time you should watch, most of the fireworks I made are dedicated to you." Roxy grinned, her hair catching fire from her excitement.

    "You're welcome, my dear," Hestia said with a warm smile. "And I'll be sure to watch those fireworks, the ones you already made are fantastic. Thank you for dedicating some to me, that is so sweet."

    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 12/24/2013, 12:29 pm

    "I'm guessing it was You ,Grandfather and Grandmother then?" Tyler asked looking at his father"Mom was dead on with her description of  you" Tyler half-said to himself

    "Mother I have to ask you what attracted you to my father?" Blake asked

    "You know it dad" Henri said back with his french accent half faded and thought that his mother was right at the family Resemblence to his father
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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by horselover96 12/24/2013, 12:33 pm

    "It's great to meet you Father" Alyster said to his dad with his Violet eyes meeting his father's Honey golden gaze

    "I'm doing well mother,and I have something for you" Aiden said as he made a red rose appear in his hand
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    Post by xXSpiritXx 12/24/2013, 12:38 pm

    "Really!? Thank you so much mum, it means a lot to me." Roxy was ecstatic, she loved her mother. "Sorry I'm all covered in soot, I was setting off some fireworks before I came to test em out. One of them was old and blew up in my face." Roxy chuckled, dusting off some soot. Her eyes grew wide when she realized that she had just made a soot pile on Olympus. "Whoops, sorry mum I wasn't thinkin." Roxy bit her lip, she pulled out a bag of chocolate chip cookies. "I made these for ya. They have cinnamon and cayenne in them for a wee bit a heat." She held the bag out for Hestia to take it.
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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by moriarty 12/24/2013, 12:42 pm

    She puts away a scroll she was working on I say,"Hello Mother!" I have nothing else to say really. I'm standing in front of my goddess mother, OH MY GODS I'M STANDING FRONT OF MY GODDESS MOTHER. She is gorgeous. I keep fidgeting with my brightly colored hair. "So, how are you?"
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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Christian 12/24/2013, 1:44 pm

    Aang sprinted towards the gods, sweat trickling down his forehead. "God dammit." He mumbled, stopping suddenly. He spotted his father, Aeolus, talking with another boy. Aang's shoulder's slumped. He would probably have to wait a longer amount of time just to see his father; they were only here for a couple more hours, he pondered. He took a deep breath, thinking that it wasn't that bad; he had seen his father for the past 2 years. They were pretty close (well, as close as a god and their child can be), so he strode over to him. "Hey, Dad." He said, standing right next to the other kid. He glanced at him, noticing that it was Henri. He had seen him around the cabin plenty of times. "Hey bro." He said, looking back at their father. He hadn't seen his father in quite a while, and he didn't want to wait just to see him. "Sorry I'm late. I was practicing my powers, when I got attacked by a couple monsters. Took a while to kill them all, but I'm fine." He grinned.
    Mr. Moseby
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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 12/24/2013, 2:14 pm

    Countryboy1024 wrote:"I'm guessing it was You ,Grandfather and Grandmother then?" Tyler asked looking at his father"Mom was dead on with her description of  you" Tyler half-said to himself

    "Mother I have to ask you what attracted you to my father?" Blake asked

    "You know it dad" Henri said  back with his french accent half faded and thought that his mother was right at the family Resemblence to his father

    "I would assume so, then," Triton grumbled to himself, scratching his head. Well, this was certainly going downhill very fast. "How... how is your mother, by the way?"

    Hestia sipped her tea, trying to remember Blake's father -- oh, she'd met so many mortals in the past two decades. It was difficult to place names to faces and faces to names; if only one of the memory gods would help her occasionally. After another moment, a face hazily came to her mentally: yes, that was probably Blake's father. "He was... He was a warm person, in my opinion. A sort of family-oriented man."

    Aeolus chuckled heartily -- any fan, even if it was his own son, was a fan. If only some of the other gods would adhere to that logic. "Well, I hope you like it. How's camp? Enjoying the weather there? I hear there might be a bit of, ah, a snowstorm there soon. Maybe a few days; Dionysus is being pestered by Boreas for it." His eye twinkled mischievously; he may have had something to do with that....

    horselover96 wrote:"It's great to meet you Father" Alyster said to his dad with his Violet eyes meeting his father's Honey golden gaze

    "I'm doing well mother,and I have something for you" Aiden said as he made a red rose appear in his hand

    "And it's... wonderful to meet you too." Thanatos blinked slowly. Was death ever a welcome sight for anybody? He cleared his throat slightly, nodding to his son. Thank the gods he had turned off the notifications on his iPhone; if he hadn't, he was sure the sound of vibrating or the bell tower ringtone would have been filling the slightly awkward silence. "And how are you? Is camp treating you well?"

    "Oh!" Aphrodite exclaimed, delicately taking the rose from her son. She examined it with apparent delight, making sure to avoid any potential thorns on the stem. "Is that one of your mortal magic tricks? They're adorable, aren't they? Rabbits from hats and cards -- absolutely adorable. They do make up for lack of real magic very well."

    xXSpiritXx wrote:"Really!? Thank you so much mum, it means a lot to me." Roxy was ecstatic, she loved her mother. "Sorry I'm all covered in soot, I was setting off some fireworks before I came to test em out. One of them was old and blew up in my face." Roxy chuckled, dusting off some soot. Her eyes grew wide when she realized that she had just made a soot pile on Olympus. "Whoops, sorry mum I wasn't thinkin." Roxy bit her lip, she pulled out a bag of chocolate chip cookies. "I made these for ya. They have cinnamon and cayenne in them for a wee bit a heat." She held the bag out for Hestia to take it.

    "Oh, no, don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're here." Hestia smiled warmly at her daughter, glancing down with a critical eye at her tea; she was running low again. With a tap of her finger, the cup had magically refilled itself to the brim with green tea. Hestia took the bag of cookies from her daughter and placed it on her lap, nodding approvingly. "These look delicious. Did you make your own recipe for these? I was thinking of making cookies to offer everybody along with tea, but I didn't have any time."

    AuroraGirl wrote:She puts away a scroll she was working on I say,"Hello Mother!" I have nothing else to say really. I'm standing in front of my goddess mother, OH MY GODS I'M STANDING FRONT OF MY GODDESS MOTHER. She is gorgeous. I keep fidgeting with my brightly colored hair. "So, how are you?"

    Mousika tilted her head to the side, trying not to smile at Aurora. She looked rather excited to be here -- and who wouldn't be? Olympus was a beautiful place, it inspired a sense of awe and excitement to those who hadn't lived here for thousands of years. "Oh, I'm fine; I've just been writing some compositions while waiting. I think they'd be nice for a romance movie." She squinted down at the scroll and then back to her daughter. "And how are you?"

    Sinister wrote:Aang sprinted towards the gods, sweat trickling down his forehead. "God dammit." He mumbled, stopping suddenly. He spotted his father, Aeolus, talking with another boy. Aang's shoulder's slumped. He would probably have to wait a longer amount of time just to see his father; they were only here for a couple more hours, he pondered. He took a deep breath, thinking that it wasn't that bad; he had seen his father for the past 2 years. They were pretty close (well, as close as a god and their child can be), so he strode over to him. "Hey, Dad." He said, standing right next to the other kid. He glanced at him, noticing that it was Henri. He had seen him around the cabin plenty of times. "Hey bro." He said, looking back at their father. He hadn't seen his father in quite a while, and he didn't want to wait just to see him. "Sorry I'm late. I was practicing my powers, when I got attacked by a couple monsters. Took a while to kill them all, but I'm fine." He grinned.

    Aeolus turned his head to see one of his other sons -- Aang, he believed his name was. He had so many sons, it was a bit hard to keep track of them after a while. "Aah, yes, hello Aang! That's perfectly fine, the party is just getting started. Nobody is getting vaporized for tardiness -- at least, they haven't in the past century." Chuckling, the god gestured around the room; there were still lost children milling about looking for his or her godly parent, as well as some just entering the room just as Aang had. "Power practicing and monsters -- a very good reason to be late. How many were there, exactly? Two? Three?"
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    Mount Olympus - Page 2 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXSpiritXx 12/24/2013, 2:23 pm

    Roxy's smile grew when her mother praised her baking. "Yes I did. I was just fiddling around in my kitchen thinking of holiday treats ta bake for my friends and figured I'd put my own twist on a classic. I defiantly inherited your culinary and pastry skills." She tousled her hair which was still flaming. "Da still freaks out when I stick my hand in the wood stove." Roxy was overjoyed to see Hestia, she was patient waiting for the solstice every year. Seeing her mother only once wasn't enough but it was better than not at all.
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    Post by moriarty 12/24/2013, 2:47 pm

    I just knew her compositions would be beautiful. "I've written a couple myself. My ukelele is getting old though..." I trailed off, glancing up at her. I could tell she was trying not to smile. "I'm doing well..." I hesitate, then smile. "Mom. I'm just wondering why I'm your only kid at camp."

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