A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Mount Olympus

    Doug The Turtle
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Doug The Turtle 1/2/2014, 5:26 pm

    Sebastian looked at Etso, then her mother, then her brother "I guess not. Apparently, the people that died didn't actually die. I've seen Tobias. I've Seen Joel. I've seen Grace. I've seen everyone. Even Dominik." he said to her with disgust when he said Dominik. He became calm and offered Lanndon his hand to either high five or shake. It didn't matter to him "Hey Lanndon, i'm Sebastian. It's nice to meet you." he said with a nice smile on his face.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 1/4/2014, 3:33 pm

    [NOTE: I've extended the end date for this to Jan 8th since I haven't been very active as of late, and I thought it'd be a bit unfair to only post once or twice a day -- which is, I believe, too few to have meaningful mini-RPs.]

    Shadowhunter wrote:"Well, we were brought to this place with a bunch of other demigods. A mansion, kind of. Then this guy told us that the gods had asked us to come there. Then, people started getting killed. Me and Sebastian managed to escape, along with one other." She explains, looking at her own mother in confusion.

    "They didn't know?" She asks Sebastian, a hint of concern in her voice. Great. Now I have two major threats to worry about.

    Amphitrite and Dionysus exchanged confused looks. "Perhaps," Amphitrite began, "that was all an odd dream. Morpheus has been known to do that to groups of people."

    The Seelie Queen wrote:Maeve silently laughed at the 'library' part. "So that means that you're constantly coming up with dreams?" she said, rubbing her left forearm. "That sounds like a tough job." she couldn't imagine herself doing that -- coming up with specific dreams to give to certain people 24/7.


    Caleb got shivers down his spine at what his god parent said lastly, but chose to ignore it. He didn't need nor want to think about stuff like that. Shaking his head, he said, "I honestly don't think you're unpopular in the mortal world. Sure, they avoid you... you're.... what's the word I'm looking for? Oh, right, infamous." Caleb didn't feel as uncomfortable around his father as he had originally thought he would. They were having a thorough conversation, which was good enough for him. "So I would give you some credit for that, at least. Also -- you hang around Phobetor? That.... doesn't sound pleasant."

    "Oh, well, you get used to it after several thousand years. There's always something relevant about every century to use as material -- like, for example, now I can use demonic iPhones and Twitter-turned-internet-spying-agency as subjects. Always fun. Sometimes I like to slip in some stuff from the future to maybe jog a few people's inventive processes." Athena usually wasn't happy when Morpheus did that, but she had to agree, it worked rather better than they both would have expected.

    Moros shrugged indifferently. Phobetor was a bit scary to look at, especially when he just got back from work, but the god of doom didn't mind so much. In fact, they shared a common interest. "He ain't so bad. None of the gods are very scary to be with unless you're with them while they're working -- like Nemesis, for instance. Lady cackles nonstop whenever she's doing her whole... 'revenge' thing."

    Zachattac wrote:Lenore shrugged as well, but at least now she was comfortable talking to her mom, any barrier between the two had melted easily with those few words. "I write poetry myself" she said proudly, looking up at her. She ha stopped twisting her hair around her finger and instead stood relaxed, her eyes and facial expressions showing comfort "my twin couldn't be here for some reason" she explained, feeling sorry that her twin wasnt with her talking to Aphrodite.

    "Oh well.... That's fine, I suppose." Aphrodite was slightly disconcerted at the sudden change in subject, but oh well. She would explain it to herself as something like Lenore's twin being forced to do something, rather than staying away by choice. "Send a message back to your twin, that I said hello. Not very meaningful, I suppose, but it would be rather better than... say, nothing? Or maybe I should write a note. Hm."

    VictoriaJohnson wrote:"Ares,tell me,do you even like Demi-Gods,or even you own children?"

    Ares looked down at his daughter, frowning slightly. "'course I like demigods -- when they're not being cowards. Why would you think that?"

    Jo wrote:Lorelei grinned, she liked talking about her rocket. "Paper towel roll and some paper. There was a film canister inside to hold the propulsion ingredients in." Lei enjoyed talking to her mother; and talking about engineering, she really liked that class. Even if she has to go to Central Park over the weekends.
    Evanna sneered, "Well come on down, Pop. It's not like they're going to notice you missing." Evanna did not regret one word of that. He could've done something, I-message at least.
    "Am I your first kid today or what?"

    Chione frowned, not quite sure how that would work -- but she was no good at science, so she accepted it and moved on. "Sounds very interesting.... How far did it go, exactly?"

    "Oh, don't worry, hun, they certainly will. Aphrodite will tear down this place looking for me if I'm not around to assist her." Anteros wasn't much of a fan of his daughter's tone; he was becoming rather annoyed with her already, in fact. He hadn't raised her at all, so he certainly couldn't be to blame for this behavior.

    AuroraGirl wrote:I smiled. "Thank you Mother. But I'll never be as good as you!" Don't be too proud Aurora. Just smile and nod. I continued singing, and started strumming my ukelele chords in the air.  

    "Well, you're excellent as-is," Mousika declared proudly. This music sounded absolutely divine -- not literally, but you get the idea.

    xXSpiritXx wrote:"Course I do, loads of fireworks to set off. Which reminds me I ought to get goin. I still have to finish making about twenty four more." Roxy had put on her all work no play face. "Sorry mum I've got to go!" Roxy quickly hugged Hestia. "It was great seein you, stop by soon." she smiled sweetly before running to the elevator. As the doors closed she waved goodbye to Hestia. "Gods I hate elevators." she groaned.

    Hestia waved back to her daughter, smiling as she watched the elevator doors close. Aah, what a nice girl.

    Chronos wrote:"whoes domain would it be if for say there was a war in the underworld? yours of hades?"

    "It'd be both of ours -- gods don't totally disregard each other when it comes to a mixed subject like that." Ares scratched his chin -- that was an interesting idea. Fight in the Underworld. He might have to do a bit of planning, but....

    High Warlock of Brooklyn wrote:
    Kendall wrote:Athena looked at her daughter for a long moment; Celine looked like she wanted to cry. As the words dawned on her, she began to smile -- she had to, of course. This was her child talking to her, and her child she had tried to help if and when she could; there was something gratifying about helping her children. "Thank you, Celine -- I must say, over the years you've made me fairly proud." The goddess laid a hand on the girl's shoulder, giving her a comforting squeeze.
    Celine giggled, feeling more than flattered with that simple compliment. "...Really?" That small rhetorical question was the most Celine could say. She was so stunned that it made her momentarily stupid. And she was absolutely speechless when Athena finally touched her. It was a simple gesture of care, but it was enough to compensate all the years of distance. Celine felt a sweet tingling all over her body, she could feel Athena's strong power as if it was a soft electric shock. She had to control herself not to start crying again, and slowly dared to lay her own hand over her mother's.
    Kendall wrote:Phobos tilted his head slightly, frowning at his son. Well, indeed, the god had seen some of Prince's exploits and been none too proud of it -- but then again, he had many children over the years that he wasn't exactly proud of. "Well," he began gruffly, "you are a bit too much of a lady's man -- or try to be -- and yeah, you're sort of an egotist. You've sort of improved a bit, I suppose, but I don't keep track of you often enough to tell whether or not it's just the people you're around that changes you, or whether or not you're really changing." Phobos, obviously, wasn't one to sugarcoat his words.
    Prince hadn't the right to get angry: he asked for the truth, and the truth would always hurt a bit. In fact, he was already aware of all that flaws, but it was different to hear them from his father. Although Phobos didn't seem to be really disappointed - in fact, he seemed to be used to demigods like that, maybe it was a family problem - Prince felt like he must get better. And from that moment, he would start charging himself relentlessly, to become not only a great hero, but a nice person. His personality would always be a problem to him, but as Phobos said, he would be able to change with some effort and some help. "You're right. I even agree. I swear I will change, I swear I will make you really proud." Prince affirmed, looking back at his dad with his golden brown eyes shining firmly. "And... What about my sister? She wanted so much to come here today, but unfortunately she couldn't. So... Do you have anything to tell her? Anything comforting? She just arrived to CHB after years of trouble... She's confused. And she's a real great daughter, way better than me, I think. She deserves your attention more than I do." Prince replied, not very sure of what he had just asked.

    "I don't lie or sugarcoat my words, Celine." Athena smiled slightly at Celine as the girl slowly covered the goddess's hand with her own. The goddess wasn't the best mother in the world -- Hestia most definitely beat her, as well as every other god or goddess, out of the best parent slot -- but there were times when she would feel more than a slight affection for her children. They were rare, probably due to the fact that Athena was often distracted by her godly work and could spare little thought at times to her children.

    "I suggest you don't swear; swearing is a bit difficult to keep up," Phobos warned him, glancing around. No children of Styx around, he hoped, to nag Prince into submission to their mother's godly powers. And as for Prince's sister? Hm. "Tell her I said welcome to camp, and I'm sorry for not helping her throughout the years -- and I'm sure you, Prince, could tell her why. And tell her I'm sorry I couldn't talk to her; I would have liked that."

    Maybeth wrote:
    Kendall wrote:"Haikus. My specialty for now." Apollo smiled, pulling out a small notepad and pencil to begin jotting down the ideas. This was going to be fun -- bonding time. Heck yeah. "Okay, so. You know anything about astrology? Certain constellations she likes, planets...? We could always ask Ourania about stars -- she's the goddess of astronomy."

    -No... Jason admitted. He knew few stuff about astronomy, but not Victoria's favorites... He added this to the list of questions he would one day ask her.
    -But we could speak general right? He asked.

    "General is perfectly fine. A haiku's 5-7-5 syllables for each line in that order, so...." Apollo tapped his chin with his pencil, thinking for a moment. "How do you want to begin? Compare her eyes to the stars? Or...?"

    Look Who wrote:Sebastian looked at Etso, then her mother, then her brother "I guess not. Apparently, the people that died didn't actually die. I've seen Tobias. I've Seen Joel. I've seen Grace. I've seen everyone. Even Dominik." he said to her with disgust when he said Dominik. He became calm and offered Lanndon his hand to either high five or shake. It didn't matter to him "Hey Lanndon, i'm Sebastian. It's nice to meet you." he said with a nice smile on his face.

    Dionysus raised an eyebrow and simply took a large sip of his Diet Coke. Oh, kids these days, with their wild imaginations....
    Dedicated Member

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    Age : 24
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by moriarty 1/4/2014, 3:41 pm

    "Thanks. I must get it from you, being a music goddess and all." I said. How do I carry on a conversation? I don't want to leave. "So... What's your favorite musical era? Mine's always been the Romantic Period."
    Role Playing Legend

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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Holly 1/4/2014, 3:53 pm

    Lenore nodded in agreement. "Perhaps..." She smiled softly and looked at her mother again, feeling as if the solstice was already beginning to end...next meeting with the gods she knew that it would be more comfortable. "Mom, do you watch me all the time...? I've hear rumors that gods are always watching but is it true?" She asked.

    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 1/5/2014, 2:12 am

    Lanndon excitedly high-fives Sebastian, but Etso is too usy puzzling over this new information to notice. After a while, she replies. "Yeah, that must have been it. Sorry to bother you with this, Mother. You know us kids. Wild thoughts, and no filter between the mind and the mouth." I feign a laugh, making sure to shoot Sebastian a look, hoping he gets the message. We'll talk about this later.

    "Mother, this is Sebastian. He's a..." Etso pauses, not exactly sure what to call him. A boyfriend? No, wasn't that Aaron? But didn't Sebastian qualify as one as well? Ugh, social lives were so hard. "...He's a friend. A good friend."
    Doug The Turtle
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 2320
    Age : 21
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Doug The Turtle 1/5/2014, 3:17 am

    Sebastian looked at Etso "Yeah. Great friends." Dionysus and Amphitrite probably knew about Sebastian and Etso's lovey dovey stuff from the other campers. "Excuse us for one moment." He bowed awkwardly and grabbed Etso's hand leading her to a corner. He let go and told her "I know about Aaron. I might be dating someone too. I don't even know. Wait....you and Aaron are cousins." He shook that thought out of his mind and looked at her "Right now, they should know about that mansion. They said it was a dream. How could we all be sleep-? Wait. Sleep. Hypnos. We need to talk to Hypnos." He grabbed her hand and together they went to their parents "We need permission to go see Hypnos. If we were asleep, he would have to be the one to direct us all to that dream. If he didn't, this might be crafting of Circe or some god or goddess of magic. Besides Hecate. She would've told you, I believe." Sebastian looked at Etso and for a moment they had a connection. He had the look that said I loved you like no one else and you go dating someone leaving me depressed all over again look.

    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 1/5/2014, 9:28 am

    Etso jerked her hand away, knowing she'd have to apologize later for what she was going to do. Gods, she hated social life. To tell the truth, she would much rather be in the woods right now. Maybe Aaron would pop up out of nowhere, like he had the night they went to the beach for the-

    Etso stopped the thought in its tracks. She wasn't dating Aaron, she was dating Sebastian. Or was it the other way around?

    "Sebastian, have you been overdosing on your medicine again? You know it tends to make you a little insane sometimes. This was probably a bad dream, that's all." Etso asked, concern darting across her voice. She couldn't meet Sebastian's eyes, though, because she couldn't stand the pain that would be blazing in them, no doubt.

    OOC: Let's wait till Kenny posts before posting again, okay?

    Last edited by Shadowhunter on 1/5/2014, 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 1/5/2014, 4:04 pm

    AuroraGirl wrote:"Thanks. I must get it from you, being a music goddess and all." I said. How do I carry on a conversation? I don't want to leave. "So... What's your favorite musical era? Mine's always been the Romantic Period."

    "Oh, there's always something to love about all of them -- although the current era of music we're in can be rather distasteful at times." Mousika made a face and sighed, shaking her head. "But still. The eras that usually comes to mind for me is the Roaring Twenties or the 50s. Such simple lyricism, but so elegant too."

    Zachattac wrote:Lenore nodded in agreement. "Perhaps..." She smiled softly and looked at her mother again, feeling as if the solstice was already beginning to end...next meeting with the gods she knew that it would be more comfortable. "Mom, do you watch me all the time...? I've hear rumors that gods are always watching but is it true?" She asked.

    Aphrodite thought a moment -- she sort of spent more time fixing her makeup or hair than watching her children at times. "Well, not all the time, dear -- after all, I have to divide my time among my children, and I only have so many mirrors to look through. When we hear our names invoked for some reason, though, we tend to look and hear the rest of whatever that person says."

    Shadowhunter wrote:Lanndon excitedly high-fives Sebastian, but Etso is too usy puzzling over this new information to notice. After a while, she replies. "Yeah, that must have been it. Sorry to bother you with this, Mother. You know us kids. Wild thoughts, and no filter between the mind and the mouth." I feign a laugh, making sure to shoot Sebastian a look, hoping he gets the message. We'll talk about this later.

    "Mother, this is Sebastian. He's a..." Etso pauses, not exactly sure what to call him. A boyfriend? No, wasn't that Aaron? But didn't Sebastian qualify as one as well? Ugh, social lives were so hard. "...He's a friend. A good friend."

    "Well, hello Sebastian. It's very nice to meet you." Amphitrite nodded at him politely, not sure whether or not she should offer him her hand. It would be polite, of course, but she was slightly disturbed by what the children had been talking about before.

    Look Who wrote:Sebastian looked at Etso "Yeah. Great friends." Dionysus and Amphitrite probably knew about Sebastian and Etso's lovey dovey stuff from the other campers. "Excuse us for one moment." He bowed awkwardly and grabbed Etso's hand leading her to a corner. He let go and told her "I know about Aaron. I might be dating someone too. I don't even know. Wait....you and Aaron are cousins." He shook that thought out of his mind and looked at her "Right now, they should know about that mansion. They said it was a dream. How could we all be sleep-? Wait. Sleep. Hypnos. We need to talk to Hypnos." He grabbed her hand and together they went to their parents "We need permission to go see Hypnos. If we were asleep, he would have to be the one to direct us all to that dream. If he didn't, this might be crafting of Circe or some god or goddess of magic. Besides Hecate. She would've told you, I believe." Sebastian looked at Etso and for a moment they had a connection. He had the look that said I loved you like no one else and you go dating someone leaving me depressed all over again look.

    "You mean Morpheus, not Hypnos -- Hypnos only puts you to sleep, Morpheus handles the dreams," Dionysus grumbled, yawning. He waved his hand indifferently in the other god's direction, where he was standing talking to one of his daughters. "Go on, go bother Morpheus -- I'm sure it won't be in the least rude that you're interrupting his time with his kids at all."

    Shadowhunter wrote:Etso jerked her hand away, knowing she'd have to apologize later for what she was going to do. Gods, she hated social life. To tell the truth, she would much rather be in the woods right now. Maybe Aaron would pop up out of nowhere, like he had the night they went to the beach for the-

    Etso stopped the thought in its tracks. She wasn't dating Aaron, she was dating . Or was it the other way around?

    "Sebastian, have you been overdosing on your medicine again? You know it tends to make you a little insane sometimes. This was probably a bad dream, that's all." Etso asked, concern darting across her voice. She couldn't meet Sebastian's eyes, though, because she couldn't stand the pain that would be blazing in them, no doubt.

    OOC: Let's wait till Kenny posts before posting again, okay?

    Amphitrite raised her eyebrows at the two, wondering what exactly was going on now. She glanced at Dionysus, but he was only sipping his Diet Coke casually, looking extremely bored and annoyed at the going-ons of their children. He probably knew more than he let on -- Amphitrite, who lived so far from the camp, knew little of its happenings except when messengers came to her underwater home with Poseidon to let them know.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by The Seelie Queen 1/5/2014, 4:18 pm

    Maeve laughed. She hadn't realized how much dreams mattered. Maybe it was time to rethink how she felt about her father. Speaking of which -- with a deep breath, her smile wiped from her face, she said in a quiet voice, "Hey, Morpheus -- when Mom died, did you -- care?" her voice cracked a little on the last word -- her mother was a sore subject.


    Caleb snorted, and raised an eyebrow. "You go with them while they're workin'? Y'know what -- ever mind." the god of doom traveling with the goddess of revenge? That was a little too much for Caleb. But, then again -- he supposed it made sense.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 10415
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-21

    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Holly 1/5/2014, 4:25 pm

    Lenore smiled and nodded, understanding what she meant. Many of her children were like that as well, and Lenore watched it happen daily in the cabin. "Is there anything else we should talk about before the soldtice ends?" She inquired, never losing the smile.

    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 1/5/2014, 4:38 pm

    Etso was getting uncomfortable with the tension in between the four-no, three. Dionysus didn't seem worried at all-of them. She was about to try to change the subject, when her watch let off a soft beep. Aaron would be waiting. He'd said they were just going to go hunting, but Etso had her suspicions that he was planning something else.

    Etso wanted to leave, but she felt as though there was unfinished business. A question she had to ask, something she had to say. She tumbled around a bit, before finally speaking so softly, she was scared her mother would miss it. "Is it true that our godly parents are always watching over us?"
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1177
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by moriarty 1/5/2014, 5:09 pm

    I nodded. "I agree, but some music is good, mostly the indy stuff." I thought about some of the bands my friend Maddy directed me to. "I like Frank Sinatra a lot. Can't remember exactly what era he was in though." I furrowed my brow, trying to think.
    Junior Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXVickyXx 1/5/2014, 10:20 pm

    Kendall wrote:

    Ares looked down at his daughter, frowning slightly. "'course I like demigods -- when they're not being cowards. Why would you think that?"

    "It's just,I don't know.I asked all the ares cabin if they ever spoke to you,most said no.You Gods sometimes just ignore us."She said.She knew Ares would get really mad,but hey Ares said he didn't like cowards.So she wasn't being a coward by telling him the truth.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Morgan Landry 1/6/2014, 2:09 am

    Kendall wrote:"And hello, Victoria." Athena inclined her head toward her daughter, giving her a once-over. Well, she hadn't changed all that much from the last time she had seen her -- which was, she believed, several months ago, when she had given her a present. A shield, she believed, if her memory served her well. "And how have you been? I hope your invention has been going well."

    OOC: It was a breastplate ^^

    Victoria smiled.

    "Indeed, they have been going very well," she replied. "I am working on my medical 3D-printer and have finished the prototype of my magnetic board. I tried it out, and it worked."

    Now was time for the 1000-dollars-question.

    "Have you noticed it? I sacrifice to you every time before I start on a project, and I really needed your assistance for that one."

    She started talking about the way she created it, using artificial photosynthesis through semiconductors to get it going, two batteries sheathed in a one-atom-thick layer of graphene, how she coated the downside with ultra-sensitive diamagnets, how she equipped it with voice sensors.... She also told her about the anticrash vest she had designed specifically for it, with the voice sensors, and coded suspensors.

    "It's only a prototype, of course," Victoria said. "I still have to include LEDs, possibly a GPS system and a mean to control my speed, along with other... offensive gadgets."

    She crossed her arms and looked respectfully at her mother.

    "What are your thoughts about that?" she asked.


    Olympus trip. Meh.
    Chiara didn't really want to go, but the alternative had been staying at Camp alone when everybody went to the Empire State Building, so she had joined the movement. The daughter of Ares was wearing a Call of Duty T-shirt with olive camo pants whose ends were stuffed into her combat boots. A large leather belt was wrapped around her waist, closed by a skull-shaped buckle; her sword was sheathed on her left side and her three throwing knives on her right.
    Her flaming red curls were pulled back with a black bandana that gave her a commando-look.

    As she walked into the Hall of Gods, she immediately spotted Ares -- he wasn't that easy to oversee, with his chrome and leather throne and the huge sword. She walked over to him, violently pushing some siblings out of the way and looked at her father angrily.

    "Ciao, Ares," she grunted.

    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 1/6/2014, 6:15 pm

    The Seelie Queen wrote:Maeve laughed. She hadn't realized how much dreams mattered. Maybe it was time to rethink how she felt about her father. Speaking of which -- with a deep breath, her smile wiped from her face, she said in a quiet voice, "Hey, Morpheus -- when Mom died, did you -- care?" her voice cracked a little on the last word -- her mother was a sore subject.


    Caleb snorted, and raised an eyebrow. "You go with them while they're workin'? Y'know what -- ever mind." the god of doom traveling with the goddess of revenge? That was a little too much for Caleb. But, then again -- he supposed it made sense.

    Morpheus frowned at Maeve. Often, demigods liked to bring up their mortal parents whenever they talked to their godly ones; while Morpheus couldn't blame them, sometimes it got a bit dramatic. Needlessly? Definitely not. But it could make even a god feel a bit awkward. "Of course I did. I always do when the mother of one of my children suffers. But I'm not allowed to help any of them."

    Moros snorted, shoving his hands deep into his pockets and hunching his shoulders. Nemesis was great and all, but he didn't like hanging out with so many gods associated with such negative aspects of life. "Weird business and all. I don't like it sometimes, some of those gods can get real creepy."

    Zachattac wrote:Lenore smiled and nodded, understanding what she meant. Many of her children were like that as well, and Lenore watched it happen daily in the cabin. "Is there anything else we should talk about before the soldtice ends?" She inquired, never losing the smile.

    "Something we should? Well, I don't know if there's anything truly important, although...." Aphrodite frowned, pursing her lips for a minute. Was there anything important? There was the war effort against Gaea, of course, but they'd been preparing for a long time for that now. "No, nothing comes to mind."

    Faygo wrote:Etso was getting uncomfortable with the tension in between the four-no, three. Dionysus didn't seem worried at all-of them. She was about to try to change the subject, when her watch let off a soft beep. Aaron would be waiting. He'd said they were just going to go hunting, but Etso had her suspicions that he was planning something else.

    Etso wanted to leave, but she felt as though there was unfinished business. A question she had to ask, something she had to say. She tumbled around a bit, before finally speaking so softly, she was scared her mother would miss it. "Is it true that our godly parents are always watching over us?"

    Amphitrite smiled at Etso, relieved that the tension had been -- maybe temporarily, but still -- dissipated with a subject change. She had been starting to get a bit uncomfortable with all this talk about being locked in a mansion and killing each other. "Well, we can't watch you all the time, but we tune in frequently. Especially if you invoke our name."

    The Musical Tardis wrote:I nodded. "I agree, but some music is good, mostly the indy stuff." I thought about some of the bands my friend Maddy directed me to. "I like Frank Sinatra a lot. Can't remember exactly what era he was in though." I furrowed my brow, trying to think.

    "Sinatra was... Forties through Fifties, I think." Mousika nodded to herself. Yes, she could remember that; she remembered one of the Muses bragging about how she'd slipped so much inspiration into his mind. Mousika had been slightly jealous at the time, but hey, she couldn't have it all. "A wonderful man. It's a shame he didn't spend all his time making music instead of acting."

    xXVickyXx wrote:Kendall wrote:

    Ares looked down at his daughter, frowning slightly. "'course I like demigods -- when they're not being cowards. Why would you think that?"

    "It's just,I don't know.I asked all the ares cabin if they ever spoke to you,most said no.You Gods sometimes just ignore us."She said.She knew Ares would get really mad,but hey Ares said he didn't like cowards.So she wasn't  being a coward by telling him the truth.

    "Yeah, and? It's not like we can help it sometimes with The Man watching us." Ares jabbed a thumb over his shoulder, almost jeeringly, at a lone figure by one of the largest chairs in the room: the god Zeus himself was standing there, in a pin-stripe blue suit, casually sipping a glass of Dr. Pepper. "And we don't have so much leisure time to visit you. Y'should be glad we even let you on Olympus at all."

    Morgan Landry wrote:
    Kendall wrote:"And hello, Victoria." Athena inclined her head toward her daughter, giving her a once-over. Well, she hadn't changed all that much from the last time she had seen her -- which was, she believed, several months ago, when she had given her a present. A shield, she believed, if her memory served her well. "And how have you been? I hope your invention has been going well."

    OOC: It was a breastplate ^^

    Victoria smiled.

    "Indeed, they have been going very well," she replied. "I am working on my medical 3D-printer and have finished the prototype of my magnetic board. I tried it out, and it worked."

    Now was time for the 1000-dollars-question.

    "Have you noticed it? I sacrifice to you every time before I start on a project, and I really needed your assistance for that one."

    She started talking about the way she created it, using artificial photosynthesis through semiconductors to get it going, two batteries sheathed in a one-atom-thick layer of graphene, how she coated the downside with ultra-sensitive diamagnets, how she equipped it with voice sensors.... She also told her about the anticrash vest she had designed specifically for it, with the voice sensors, and coded suspensors.

    "It's only a prototype, of course," Victoria said. "I still have to include LEDs, possibly a GPS system and a mean to control my speed, along with other... offensive gadgets."

    She crossed her arms and looked respectfully at her mother.

    "What are your thoughts about that?" she asked.


    Olympus trip. Meh.
    Chiara didn't really want to go, but the alternative had been staying at Camp alone when everybody went to the Empire State Building, so she had joined the movement. The daughter of Ares was wearing a Call of Duty T-shirt with olive camo pants whose ends were stuffed into her combat boots. A large leather belt was wrapped around her waist, closed by a skull-shaped buckle; her sword was sheathed on her left side and her three throwing knives on her right.
    Her flaming red curls were pulled back with a black bandana that gave her a commando-look.

    As she walked into the Hall of Gods, she immediately spotted Ares -- he wasn't that easy to oversee, with his chrome and leather throne and the huge sword. She walked over to him, violently pushing some siblings out of the way and looked at her father angrily.

    "Ciao, Ares," she grunted.

    "Well Victoria, every time one of my children is studying or inventing or planning, I like to take a peak and maybe put in a few bits of enlightenment somewhere in their heads." Athena chuckled to herself. She absolutely loved seeing her children -- most, anyway -- being passionate about the arts of intelligence. It was putting their brains to good use, something the goddess found a bit rare nowadays with the constantly fast pace at which life progressed these days, with all this new technology. Some of it was just plain-out odd, which she would never claim as brilliant except to the most dim, but some... some were fantastic. "It's a brilliant idea, I think, but I should warn you not to overload it with additions. Give it what you think is most needed; I've seen many a good invention go bad because the inventor wouldn't stop adding things on."

    Ares's fiery eyes flickered slightly behind his glasses -- it was either out of slight amusement or he had dust in his eye, nobody knows. His heavily-scarred arms were folded across his chest as he scanned the group of children around him. They were all muscular, some had permanent scowls -- warriors apparently. Some of them were bloody cowards when it came down to real fighting, but he wouldn't throw them under the bus now; they would do that themselves perfectly well later on in life. "And hola to you too, Chiara. Welcome to 'lympus."

    Number of posts : 718
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Chronos 1/6/2014, 6:26 pm

    "has that ever happened"
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by moriarty 1/6/2014, 6:41 pm

    "Yeah, that sounds right." I bit the inside of my lip. trying to keep the conversation moving. "Why is it that you don't get much recognition? When I introduce myself, everyone looks at me like I was crazy." I remembered back to when, before I was claimed, everyone was sure I was an Apollo. NOPE.

    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 1/6/2014, 6:50 pm

    Etso nodded and grabbed Lanndon's hand. He knelt down to his height. "Sissy has to go now. Say goodbye, Lanndon." Lanndon was obviously disappointed. He turned to Amphitrite and waved. Etso felt terrible about making him feel this bad. She bowed to the goddess, picked him up to, and put him on her shoulders. "We'll come back next time, Lanndon. I promise." Lanndon brightened up a bit at that.

    "Thank you, Amphitrite." Etso said, and turned around, trying not to run for fear of dropping Lanndon, but trying to not slow down for fear of disappointing Aaron.
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXVickyXx 1/6/2014, 8:40 pm

    Anne looked at her father.She shouted "Well I don't feel glad to be here" then she said in a even louder tone "In fact I came here to know why you just left my mom for all these years.But now I know,you didn't have enough time,because your eternal.Right?"She looked around,it seemed like all eyes were on her.

    Last edited by xXVickyXx on 1/6/2014, 10:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 1/6/2014, 8:47 pm

    ooc: Vick, you're not allowed to control any action of a god at all unless you're an admin. Also, we said no to your character's eyes turning red when we approved your form.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Morgan Landry 1/7/2014, 9:41 am

    Kendall wrote:"Well Victoria, every time one of my children is studying or inventing or planning, I like to take a peak and maybe put in a few bits of enlightenment somewhere in their heads." Athena chuckled to herself. She absolutely loved seeing her children -- most, anyway -- being passionate about the arts of intelligence. It was putting their brains to good use, something the goddess found a bit rare nowadays with the constantly fast pace at which life progressed these days, with all this new technology. Some of it was just plain-out odd, which she would never claim as brilliant except to the most dim, but some... some were fantastic. "It's a brilliant idea, I think, but I should warn you not to overload it with additions. Give it what you think is most needed; I've seen many a good invention go bad because the inventor wouldn't stop adding things on."

    "Don't worry mother, I'm putting only the necessary," Victoria calmly replied.

    Her mother once warned her to be prudent, and Victoria had honored her promise. But when she invented something, she always felt driven to do more, always more, to stretch the limits of her capacity, to see how much she could actually do. She always thought she could do more than she really could, but she didn't realize it... and here we go to hybris again.

    Victoria noticed her other siblings behind her, impatient to have their turn. Even though she didn't want to, Victoria inclined her head to her mother.

    "I think I am going to leave you now," she stated, "others want to speak with you."

    Just at the moment as she was turning, Victoria looked back at Athena with her intense gray eyes.

    "Just a question, though. I know Annabeth is your best child. But are you proud of me nonetheless?"

    Kendall wrote:Ares's fiery eyes flickered slightly behind his glasses -- it was either out of slight amusement or he had dust in his eye, nobody knows. His heavily-scarred arms were folded across his chest as he scanned the group of children around him. They were all muscular, some had permanent scowls -- warriors apparently. Some of them were bloody cowards when it came down to real fighting, but he wouldn't throw them under the bus now; they would do that themselves perfectly well later on in life. "And hola to you too, Chiara. Welcome to 'lympus."

    She briefly glanced at her siblings, who were standing at the throne of her father. What were they doing here? Didn't they see she was talking to him? Did they have to stay around?
    She wanted to punch them, all of them. Austin, Anne, Elise, Tyler and all the others. She wanted to grab them by the shirt and fling them on the ground, then kick their face so many times with her combat boots that nobody would even see the features under the blood and the smashes. She wanted to take out a M60 like in Call Of Duty and shoot them in a kill chain.
    Then she looked at her father and realized she wanted to kill him too.
    Wait, kill him? He's immortal.
    Well, beat him to a pulp. She wanted to tear those glasses from his eyes, break his nose apart and smash her sword into his face seven times.

    Suddenly, she remembered that she had felt exactly that way the first time she had seen him, after the Battle of Manhattan. She could feel that wild battle lust rush through her veins again, releasing endorphin massively. This was why she was so angry and combative, it was because she was in Ares's presence. She could run around killing people and have no problem about it.

    Anne was yelling next to her, and Chiara wanted to kick her in the throat with mountaineering boots equipped with crampons.

    "Calm the hell down, b*tch," she growled. "You want me to tell you why he left your momma?" she asked in a tone that left no doubt about the underlying insult. She wiped her mouth and carried on. "And if you're not glad to be here, then just piss off, okay?"

    OOC: Vicky, don't feel insulted, this is just the way Chiara is. She's always abusive, bullying, and could yell at others the whole day. She's a daughter of Ares, man.


    Chiara looked back at her father.

    "So, and you're Ares. Hmph. I expected better," she said out of sheer provocation. "Do you always wear ridiculous glasses to fake having style?"

    Now that normally got people roasted, but Chiara didn't care; she was too angry to give a damn about what she told her father. She didn't even consider him her father. Her real father was dead. She didn't care about Ares. She wanted to beat him into a pulp.
    Role Playing Legend

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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Holly 1/7/2014, 11:08 am

    Lenore smiled and nodded "alright, I loved talking to you mom" she grinned and hugged he before leaving the home of the gods, feeling satisfied.
    Junior Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXVickyXx 1/7/2014, 1:53 pm

    OOC:I dont feel insulted at all Morgan,its just RP you know?
    BIC:Anne looked at this Chiara girl,Anne then said"Me,calm down?"Anne looked at Chiara and then said "Your the one that looks like youll kill everybody in the room here"It was true the way Chiara looked at the time was just like a murderer, though she probably wasnt.Anne shouted "You know kill me right here and now,with everbody watching".Anne dropped her sword and put her hands on her head,went down on her knees and she said"do it",Anne didnt want to die,hopefully she wouldnt,but she just wasnt a coward.

    Last edited by xXVickyXx on 1/7/2014, 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Needed to add something)
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 1/7/2014, 4:35 pm

    Chronos wrote:"has that ever happened"

    "No. And I doubt it would unless the Gates of Death or whatever the hell they are are opened up again." Ares rolled his eyes; what a train-wreck thar was.

    The Musical Tardis wrote:"Yeah, that sounds right." I bit the inside of my lip. trying to keep the conversation moving. "Why is it that you don't get much recognition? When I introduce myself, everyone looks at me like I was crazy." I remembered back to when, before I was claimed, everyone was sure I was an Apollo. NOPE.

    Mousika shrugged. Personally, she didn't care much for recognition; few people knew her, but enough so that she could still live on. "I'm just a very minor goddess; there are so many music and art related gods, after all. The most popular ones tend to be those who govern other things in addition to the arts."

    Faygo wrote:Etso nodded and grabbed Lanndon's hand. He knelt down to his height. "Sissy has to go now. Say goodbye, Lanndon." Lanndon was obviously disappointed. He turned to Amphitrite and waved. Etso felt terrible about making him feel this bad. She bowed to the goddess,  picked him up to, and put him on her shoulders. "We'll come back next time, Lanndon. I promise." Lanndon brightened up a bit at that.

    "Thank you, Amphitrite." Etso said, and turned around, trying not to run for fear of dropping Lanndon, but trying to not slow down for fear of disappointing Aaron.

    "You're welcome, darlings. Come back soon." Amphitrite smiled and waved at her children.

    xXVickyXx wrote:Anne looked at her father.She shouted "Well I don't feel glad to be here" then she said in a even louder tone "In fact I came here to know why you just left my mom for all these years.But now I know,you didn't have enough time,because your eternal.Right?"She looked around,it seemed like all eyes were on her.

    Ares yawned casually, leaning against the wall. He glanced at his watch, then back at Anne. Good for her to make a scene. "Why I left? The same reason as all the goddamn gods, amigo -- because we weren't allowed to. I'm pretty sure it's drilled in your heads at that camp of yours unless for whatever reason -- I would hope training -- you weren't listening."

    Morgan Landry wrote:
    Kendall wrote:"Well Victoria, every time one of my children is studying or inventing or planning, I like to take a peak and maybe put in a few bits of enlightenment somewhere in their heads." Athena chuckled to herself. She absolutely loved seeing her children -- most, anyway -- being passionate about the arts of intelligence. It was putting their brains to good use, something the goddess found a bit rare nowadays with the constantly fast pace at which life progressed these days, with all this new technology. Some of it was just plain-out odd, which she would never claim as brilliant except to the most dim, but some... some were fantastic. "It's a brilliant idea, I think, but I should warn you not to overload it with additions. Give it what you think is most needed; I've seen many a good invention go bad because the inventor wouldn't stop adding things on."

    "Don't worry mother, I'm putting only the necessary," Victoria calmly replied.

    Her mother once warned her to be prudent, and Victoria had honored her promise. But when she invented something, she always felt driven to do more, always more, to stretch the limits of her capacity, to see how much she could actually do. She always thought she could do more than she really could, but she didn't realize it... and here we go to hybris again.

    Victoria noticed her other siblings behind her, impatient to have their turn. Even though she didn't want to, Victoria inclined her head to her mother.

    "I think I am going to leave you now," she stated, "others want to speak with you."

    Just at the moment as she was turning, Victoria looked back at Athena with her intense gray eyes.

    "Just a question, though. I know Annabeth is your best child. But are you proud of me nonetheless?"

    Kendall wrote:Ares's fiery eyes flickered slightly behind his glasses -- it was either out of slight amusement or he had dust in his eye, nobody knows. His heavily-scarred arms were folded across his chest as he scanned the group of children around him. They were all muscular, some had permanent scowls -- warriors apparently. Some of them were bloody cowards when it came down to real fighting, but he wouldn't throw them under the bus now; they would do that themselves perfectly well later on in life. "And hola to you too, Chiara. Welcome to 'lympus."

    She briefly glanced at her siblings, who were standing at the throne of her father. What were they doing here? Didn't they see she was talking to him? Did they have to stay around?
    She wanted to punch them, all of them. Austin, Anne, Elise, Tyler and all the others. She wanted to grab them by the shirt and fling them on the ground, then kick their face so many times with her combat boots that nobody would even see the features under the blood and the smashes. She wanted to take out a M60 like in Call Of Duty and shoot them in a kill chain.
    Then she looked at her father and realized she wanted to kill him too.
    Wait, kill him? He's immortal.
    Well, beat him to a pulp. She wanted to tear those glasses from his eyes, break his nose apart and smash her sword into his face seven times.

    Suddenly, she remembered that she had felt exactly that way the first time she had seen him, after the Battle of Manhattan. She could feel that wild battle lust rush through her veins again, releasing endorphin massively. This was why she was so angry and combative, it was because she was in Ares's presence. She could run around killing people and have no problem about it.

    Anne was yelling next to her, and Chiara wanted to kick her in the throat with mountaineering boots equipped with crampons.

    "Calm the hell down, b*tch," she growled. "You want me to tell you why he left your momma?" she asked in a tone that left no doubt about the underlying insult. She wiped her mouth and carried on. "And if you're not glad to be here, then just piss off, okay?"

    OOC: Vicky, don't feel insulted, this is just the way Chiara is. She's always abusive, bullying, and could yell at others the whole day. She's a daughter of Ares, man.


    Chiara looked back at her father.

    "So, and you're Ares. Hmph. I expected better," she said out of sheer provocation. "Do you always wear ridiculous glasses to fake having style?"

    Now that normally got people roasted, but Chiara didn't care; she was too angry to give a damn about what she told her father. She didn't even consider him her father. Her real father was dead. She didn't care about Ares. She wanted to beat him into a pulp.

    "I am proud of all my children who do good for the world," Athena told her daughter, a bit flatly -- as if it should be obvious. She couldn't help it, however; she was used to finding she knew more than mortals, even fellow gods, after several thousand years. "You, Annabeth, Malcolm -- you're all wonderfully intelligent to me. It does not matter whether or not you are a strategic planner for wars or games, or an inventor of the highest prominence. Do things to the best of your ability, and for good, and you will make me proud."

    "And I also expected better of you: Do you always put on a wannabe tough person facade like that?" Ares asked her flippantly, drawing a long Celestial bronze knife from his belt. He used it to clean dirt from under his fingernails, probably from when he'd been in the mountains fighting a few hellhounds for the hell of it yesterday; he was often out travelling and picking fights, so he couldn't ever be sure where this mystery dirt came from. The god wasn't really bothered by Chiara's behavior; many of his kids were like that, especially in his presence (and when he chose not to rein in his magical anger/battle lust aura). It always ended up being amusing to him.

    xXVickyXx wrote:OOC:I dont feel insulted at all Morgan,its just RP you know?
    BIC:Anne looked at this Chiara girl,Anne then said"Me,calm down?"Anne looked at Chiara and then said "Your the one that looks like youll kill everybody in the room here"It was true the way Chiara looked at the time was just like a murderer, though she probably wasnt.Anne shouted "You know kill me right here and now,with everbody watching".Anne dropped her sword and put her hands on her head,went down on her knees and she said"do it",Anne didnt want to die,hopefully she wouldnt,but she just wasnt a coward.

    Ares glared down at Anne, waving for her to get up. Eirene, goddess of peace, was shooting them an annoyed look -- if this continued on any longer, she'd come over and give him another lecture about controlling his aura around mortals. Of all the gods who annoyed him most, Eirene ranked among the top five -- and she knew it very well. "Make a scene and Chiara won't be the one killing you, brat."
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    Mount Olympus - Page 8 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by moriarty 1/7/2014, 5:21 pm

    Kendall wrote:Mousika shrugged. Personally, she didn't care much for recognition; few people knew her, but enough so that she could still live on. "I'm just a very minor goddess; there are so many music and art related gods, after all. The most popular ones tend to be those who govern other things in addition to the arts."

    "That's true. Like Apollo with the Prophecies." I said, stealing a glance at the sun god. I smiled at my mother again, and sipped my now lukewarm cocoa. I took a deep breath and blew it out for a count of 16.

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