A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

Lone Wanderer
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Edgar Allan Poe
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    Mount Olympus


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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Maybeth 12/30/2013, 5:01 am

    -A haiku!!! Of course, how haven't I thought of it?

    Jason wondered loudly, without realising. Haiku, a short poem, three lines? With a certain number of words in each line. 7, 5, 7...
    Many haikus had been written in history, because of their wisdom and secret meanings... Jason wanted exactly that, but considering his father was a god of the sun, and poetry for he was... kinda different comparing to this high-level-phylosophy, Jason wondered if his father could actually help to this. But he anyway had to try.

    - I would like to be a haiku actually, something with the stars? He asked
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 12/30/2013, 6:38 pm

    Kendall wrote:
    Athena paused for a moment -- Allan, Allan.... Aah, yes. The biologist. "Well, I suppose you already know that you're French because of your father. He was a biologist, looked a bit like Mr. Darcy from one of the Pride and Prejudice versions -- the movie, I believe. A brilliant man, it's a shame he died so soon; he had such interesting ideas." She thought for a moment, and then continued on cautiously: "I believe he died from a cut somewhere on his hand, and that since he apparently had hemophilia he subsequently bled to death." The goddess sighed, shaking her head; mortals were so delicate sometimes.
    Celine grinned, satisfied with such detailed description. It wasn't exactly everything she wanted to hear - that would take hours - but it was enough to clarify part of the mist that covered her past. "Thank you! He must have been a great man. I always knew my dad must have been brilliant... And as I remember from Pride and Prejudice, he was probably handsome too. Thanks, mom!"  Celine's vision was blurred by tears again. She tried to control herself, since she was afraid to seem ridiculous in front of the majestic goddess that was actually her mother. "And... I want you to know that, even after all this absence, I think you're an awesome mother. Because when my dad died, you could have just abandoned me to death. Instead, you brought me and Morella to a decent orphanage where I grew up safe and sound. I'm also sure that you managed to protect me from all those monster attacks during my childhood. I'm so glad and proud that you're my mother." Celine wiped the tears from her blushed cheeks. That resumed everything that she wanted to tell Athena.Then, all she desired was a hug from her mother. The first and maybe the only one. But she was too shy, and she didn't even know if it was possible to embrace a goddess without burning to ashes. So she just kept staring at Athena, with her blue-grey eyes shining hopefully.
    Kendall wrote:"Well, kid...." Phobos scoffed slightly, wanting to roll his eyes. Every time a demigod child had a problem, they tried to blame it on his or her parent: "Why didn't you tell us? Why aren't you watching us? You don't care." It was sort of pathetic, but Phobos could feel for them. Having some godly parent watching over you would be slightly comforting, he guessed, if they actually did something to help. "Zeus ain't letting us anywhere near you except during Olympus. Contact minimal except for important reasons -- and if you're gonna say your sister going missing was important, yeah. I'd agree. But the man wouldn't."
    After listening to Phobos carefully, Prince was able to calm his nerves a bit. He was still angry, but not with his dad anymore. Because he was just... Obbeying some kind of absurd and cruel law that the ruler of Olympus had invented. He felt like cursing Zeus himself but he wasn't stupidly impulsive to that point."Really? That's a really dumb law, then. I... I guess I forgive you. But my mom doesn't. You know, even after all this years she's still mad because you left her without a single explanation when you found out she was pregnant. And you never visited her or helped us with not even a penny. I understand now, but... You guys should stop having affairs with mortals only to make more demigod children you can't raise!" Those petulant words resumed what Prince wanted to say. He didn't mean to blame Phobos for anything or even dare to offend  him, he just wanted his father to be... Aware of his actions, like all the other gods and mortals should be. "Well... At least I hope you were watching me from above, father. I may be an ant to you, but I still exist." He continued, in more personal tone now. "And, just because I'm curious... Why do I have such a dumb name?" With this random question, Prince allowed himself to laugh a bit.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 12/31/2013, 10:26 pm

    Chronos wrote:"well i killed the chimera and like 3or 4 of those horse vampires things"austin said

    "Congrats. I'm sure the 'horse-vampire-things' appreciate your not knowing their names." Ares yawned. This was not an engaging conversation at all.

    The Seelie Queen wrote:Maeve wasn't sure whether to be angry or fine with her father. Having two or three kids is okay, but fifteen? She didn't know how to react to it, so she decided to ignore it. Not sure what to say, she said the only thing that came to mind. "What's it like to give out dreams?" nailed it.


    Caleb smirked, running his hand through his hair. "Fifty points to me, then." he shoved his hands in his pocket. "What do you mean you wouldn't like it if doom was easy to find?"

    "Well, depends. For those people who attempt to lucid dream, I like to feed them the weirdest dreams possible before they get a hold of themselves -- ducks ruling the world, disco ball apocalypse, and so on." Morpheus chuckled to himself, scratching his cheek. Mortals attempting to control their dreams -- what a cute idea. "For others, nightmares, I prefer to leave that to Phobetor; I'll pitch in sometimes with a few tips from Phobos or Deimos for an extra edge of terror. All in all, it's pretty fun; dreams can cover such a great variety of materials."

    Moros thought for a moment. "Well, people interpret doom as some sort of end-all a lot; it's a terrible death, a horrible crippling event, and so on. Most people wouldn't like to have that sort of thing happen to them so easily, wouldn't they?"

    xXSpiritXx wrote:"Since I was a wee lass. Oh wait do ya mean today? Well not at all except my emotions sparkin em off here." Roxy scratched the back of her head "Is that impolite? Gee i'm sorry mum."

    "It's perfectly fine, dear." Hestia ran a hand through her hair, settling back in her little chair. Aah, it was wonderful being with her children for the solstice. "Do you have any plans for the new year?"

    AuroraGirl wrote:My mother handed me the hot cocoa. It was warm and smelled amazing. I took a sip. "Mmmm... That's some good hot cocoa." I was instantly reminded of a song my dad used to sing at home. It being winter, and he had such an amazing voice. I starting humming the tune, then whispering the words. "There's no place like home for the holidays..."

    Mousik listened to her daughter's singing -- although it was only a bit above a whisper -- feeling slightly nostalgic. The song was fairly familiar to her.... Perhaps Aurora's father had sung it to her once. She couldn't remember. She smiled, listening still to the humming -- what a beautiful thing music was.

    Zachattac wrote:OOC; I meant 'I find myself afraid of everything' and pardon that this is short, but my original post didn't send and I don't have time to rewrite

    BIC: "I guess all of them...." Lenore said as she looked at Aphrodite, then up above them to the stars which twinkled in the winter sky of New York. She couldn't help but smile a little as se watched them for a mere moment before looking back at her mother "I find myself afraid of everything...everyone really an the things that in not afraid of are....macabre"

    "Macabre, hm? Interesting. Like Poe and all them?" Aphrodite had a notion of what kind of person Lenore was talking about, but she just wanted to make sure. She tended to concentrate more on the Romantic era of literature and art; beauty could be found in many places, although she preferred a visual form.

    VictoriaJohnson wrote:Hmmm....Good fights,she was trying to think.She hasn't fought a human but she fought a monster.So she said"Yes,with a big huge cyclops.I struck it right into its heart.It was really weak I guess,I didn't even have armor on and I killed it."

    "Pretty good. Think I saw a bit of that fight." Ares frowned to himself -- had he? He remembered seeing one of his kids fighting a Cyclops, yeah, but he couldn't even remember the gender of the kid.

    Jo wrote:"The weather has been warm. Sometimes it rains and I hate rain so on those days I'm inside." Lorelei smiled sheepishly. She thought the ice breakers were over so now Lorlei needed to think of things to talk about. "I made a rocket for my engineering class, Mother,"  she grinned,"the propulsion system is baking soda and vinegar. It goes thirty feet."
    Lei has never felt this awkward before in her life. Her mom seemed so supierior and well, godly. And Lorelei is just Lorelei. There was nothing really special about her.

    "I've been fine, daddy." Eva said monotonously. He called her hon. That was her word. Well, that's a lot of people's word. Like father like daughter, she guessed. Eva fixed her light red hair, pulling around her shoulder. Eva was not nervous to see her dad. She already had to deal with a step-dad(who was very nice, but the whole step-dad thing made Eva take a disliking to him.) so  dad who was a god should not be hard to deal with.
    "You seem busy." She added, looking at the mirror.

    Chione looked at her daughter for a moment, trying to understand what she was telling her -- science? That was an Athena thing, wasn't it? But she smiled and nodded. "Congratulations, that sounds very fun. What's the rocket made out of?" That was, she supposed, a valid question; she was no good at science. She spent more time making it snow to annoy people than studying science.

    Anteros half-snorted at her remark -- "busy" was an overstatement. "Oh, no, I was just bored. Sort of sucks to be forced to be at Olympus when you only have, like, at most five kids; I could just as easily find you all at camp and have a short talk."

    Look Who wrote:"Smirking. I never mean to but, it happens. It's Sebastian but it's not like you care. I grew up with no father or mother. Tell my why. Why did mom leave? I know why you left. Mom loved you. She said you sent things to hrr sometimes. She said you didn't know about me I guess until camp when you claimed me.”

    Dionysus rolled his eyes -- why were some people so dramatic? It was always this with demigods: they always hated the gods for not being there for them. It wasn't like they could help it -- Zeus sort of kept them from contacting them too much. "Why did your mother leave? I have no idea, but my sympathies to you. I'm no mind reader. She loved me and I loved her, but I'm pretty sure she knew I couldn't stay."

    Maybeth wrote:-A haiku!!! Of course, how haven't I thought of it?

    Jason wondered loudly, without realising. Haiku, a  short poem, three lines? With a certain number of words in each line. 7, 5, 7...
    Many haikus had been written in history, because of their wisdom and secret meanings... Jason wanted exactly that, but considering his father was a god of the sun, and poetry for he was... kinda different comparing to this high-level-phylosophy, Jason wondered if his father could actually help to this. But he anyway had to try.

    - I would like to be a haiku actually, something with the stars? He asked

    "Haikus. My specialty for now." Apollo smiled, pulling out a small notepad and pencil to begin jotting down the ideas. This was going to be fun -- bonding time. Heck yeah. "Okay, so. You know anything about astrology? Certain constellations she likes, planets...? We could always ask Ourania about stars -- she's the goddess of astronomy."

    High Warlock of Brooklyn wrote:
    Kendall wrote:
    Athena paused for a moment -- Allan, Allan.... Aah, yes. The biologist. "Well, I suppose you already know that you're French because of your father. He was a biologist, looked a bit like Mr. Darcy from one of the Pride and Prejudice versions -- the movie, I believe. A brilliant man, it's a shame he died so soon; he had such interesting ideas." She thought for a moment, and then continued on cautiously: "I believe he died from a cut somewhere on his hand, and that since he apparently had hemophilia he subsequently bled to death." The goddess sighed, shaking her head; mortals were so delicate sometimes.
    Celine grinned, satisfied with such detailed description. It wasn't exactly everything she wanted to hear - that would take hours - but it was enough to clarify part of the mist that covered her past. "Thank you! He must have been a great man. I always knew my dad must have been brilliant... And as I remember from Pride and Prejudice, he was probably handsome too. Thanks, mom!"  Celine's vision was blurred by tears again. She tried to control herself, since she was afraid to seem ridiculous in front of the majestic goddess that was actually her mother. "And... I want you to know that, even after all this absence, I think you're an awesome mother. Because when my dad died, you could have just abandoned me to death. Instead, you brought me and Morella to a decent orphanage where I grew up safe and sound. I'm also sure that you managed to protect me from all those monster attacks during my childhood. I'm so glad and proud that you're my mother." Celine wiped the tears from her blushed cheeks. That resumed everything that she wanted to tell Athena.Then, all she desired was a hug from her mother. The first and maybe the only one. But she was too shy, and she didn't even know if it was possible to embrace a goddess without burning to ashes. So she just kept staring at Athena, with her blue-grey eyes shining hopefully.
    Kendall wrote:"Well, kid...." Phobos scoffed slightly, wanting to roll his eyes. Every time a demigod child had a problem, they tried to blame it on his or her parent: "Why didn't you tell us? Why aren't you watching us? You don't care." It was sort of pathetic, but Phobos could feel for them. Having some godly parent watching over you would be slightly comforting, he guessed, if they actually did something to help. "Zeus ain't letting us anywhere near you except during Olympus. Contact minimal except for important reasons -- and if you're gonna say your sister going missing was important, yeah. I'd agree. But the man wouldn't."
    After listening to Phobos carefully, Prince was able to calm his nerves a bit. He was still angry, but not with his dad anymore. Because he was just... Obbeying some kind of absurd and cruel law that the ruler of Olympus had invented. He felt like cursing Zeus himself but he wasn't stupidly impulsive to that point."Really? That's a really dumb law, then. I... I guess I forgive you. But my mom doesn't. You know, even after all this years she's still mad because you left her without a single explanation when you found out she was pregnant. And you never visited her or helped us with not even a penny. I understand now, but... You guys should stop having affairs with mortals only to make more demigod children you can't raise!" Those petulant words resumed what Prince wanted to say. He didn't mean to blame Phobos for anything or even dare to offend  him, he just wanted his father to be... Aware of his actions, like all the other gods and mortals should be. "Well... At least I hope you were watching me from above, father. I may be an ant to you, but I still exist." He continued, in more personal tone now. "And, just because I'm curious... Why do I have such a dumb name?" With this random question, Prince allowed himself to laugh a bit.

    Athena looked at her daughter for a long moment; Celine looked like she wanted to cry. As the words dawned on her, she began to smile -- she had to, of course. This was her child talking to her, and her child she had tried to help if and when she could; there was something gratifying about helping her children. "Thank you, Celine -- I must say, over the years you've made me fairly proud." The goddess laid a hand on the girl's shoulder, giving her a comforting squeeze.

    Phobos frowned slightly. He realized the admonishment from Prince was reasonable, but.... "It gets lonely being immortal. Being with a mortal is a... breath of fresh air, I suppose. People unaffected by petty godly wars, just going about their everyday lives and not wondering whether or not you were going to be struck down into the Underworld by this or that god. So simple. I suppose I should stop having children, but that's a thing hardly to be stopped; Zeus encourages it, however brief, for us to produce new generations of heroes." He chuckled to himself, cracking his knuckles. Sometimes he really wondered about that guy -- his romantic exploits were literally the stuff of legends, including him being petty and jealous and even more extreme than he would ever admit. "I was watching you -- most gods with kids at least try to keep tabs on them. Don't remember why you're named Prince, but I suppose it was because we wanted you to be... regal. Or something. I don't know."

    Number of posts : 718
    Age : 111
    Registration date : 2013-11-10

    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Chronos 12/31/2013, 10:59 pm

    "so ummm.....How have things been on olympus?"austin said ans he thought that things were getting awkward again
    Doug The Turtle
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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Doug The Turtle 12/31/2013, 10:59 pm

    Sebastian looked at his father. "Why did you choose me to be murdered in the dining hall with X? I survived as you can tell but, Tobias didn't. Joel didn't. Adrian didn't. Why me?"
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 12/31/2013, 11:37 pm

    Chronos wrote:"so ummm.....How have things been on olympus?"austin said ans he thought that things were getting awkward again

    "Tch. War preparations, gods being snotty about how 'important' they are -- same old, same old. Always stupid stuff. Hephaestus, Athena, and I are designing and making and testing new weapons and stuff." Ares sniffled, patting his sword hilt. It was always fun, 'bonding' with his siblings -- they didn't argue much when it came to weaponry, it seemed.

    Look Who wrote:Sebastian looked at his father.  "Why did you choose me to be murdered in the dining hall with X? I survived as you can tell but, Tobias didn't. Joel didn't. Adrian didn't. Why me?"

    Dionysus looked at Sebastian blankly, crushing his now-empty can of Diet Coke in his hand. He didn't do or know about any such thing. "What are you going on about, Smeagol? I didn't choose for anybody to be murdered -- too much paperwork involved."
    Role Playing Legend

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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Holly 12/31/2013, 11:38 pm

    "Yes, Poe is my idol. His works contain both mystery, gore, yet a dramatic burst of beauty" she smiled. "I was even named after 'the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore" she said easily, having known the poem of 'the raven' for as long as she can remember. She felt quite comfortable now that Poe as come into the conversation.

    Number of posts : 718
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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Chronos 1/1/2014, 1:04 am

    "sounds sooo boring."austin saidas he got the horrible thought of sitting all day listening to athena talk about plans and stuff
    Dedicated Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by moriarty 1/1/2014, 1:23 pm

    My mother smiled, and I could tell she thought I had a nice voice. I was speechless, and to not have it be more awkward than it already was, I continued singing. This time though, a bit louder. I started getting into it, then quieted down to not interrupt the other god's conversations.
    Doug The Turtle
    Senior Member

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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Doug The Turtle 1/1/2014, 1:43 pm

    Ooc:Kenny, Thank You.

    "X said I can't believe the gods chose you guys. Ask Etso. He turned to the girl with Amphirite (I don't know) and saod "Excuse me, Etso? Regan? I need a little help explaining here."
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    Number of posts : 1172
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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by The Seelie Queen 1/1/2014, 2:16 pm

    Maeve raised an eyebrow. She couldn't imagine herself giving people nightmares... for fun. "Do -- do you ever accidentally forget to give someone a dream? Is that why sometimes people forget their dreams in the morning, or at whatever time they wake up?" She was suddenly interested in the subject of dreams -- she had so many questions but felt like her father would get mad if she asked them all.


    Caleb shrugged. "I guess not...." he said, looking down at the ground before looking back up at his father. "I just thought... you would want to have it happen more, y'know? That you'd want to be more known. I mean, I'm not saying that doom is necessarily good-- oh, who the hell am I kidden'? It's not, but I just thought that you'd prefer to have it more common and easier to discover."  

    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 1/1/2014, 2:21 pm

    "We've been fine," She replies, a bit thrown off by the concern in her voice. The whole affair is actually abnormal and comforting at the same time.

    "Sebastian?" She replies to the familiar voice and turns towards it source. Her heart flutters, and she feels guilty when I recognize the feeling from one of the many times I've talked to Aaron in the woods.

    I excuse myself and take Lanndon, promising to return quickly.

    She's by his side in seconds, not afraid to show her amusement at Dionysus. "Explaining, what?" I ask.
    Doug The Turtle
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 2320
    Age : 21
    Registration date : 2013-04-20

    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Doug The Turtle 1/1/2014, 3:16 pm

    "The murder thingy. X said the gods chose us. My father says he has no idea what we're talking about."
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Experienced Member

    Number of posts : 5513
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2011-11-10

    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 1/1/2014, 4:59 pm

    Kendall wrote:Phobos frowned slightly. He realized the admonishment from Prince was reasonable, but.... "It gets lonely being immortal. Being with a mortal is a... breath of fresh air, I suppose. People unaffected by petty godly wars, just going about their everyday lives and not wondering whether or not you were going to be struck down into the Underworld by this or that god. So simple. I suppose I should stop having children, but that's a thing hardly to be stopped; Zeus encourages it, however brief, for us to produce new generations of heroes." He chuckled to himself, cracking his knuckles. Sometimes he really wondered about that guy -- his romantic exploits were literally the stuff of legends, including him being petty and jealous and even more extreme than he would ever admit. "I was watching you -- most gods with kids at least try to keep tabs on them. Don't remember why you're named Prince, but I suppose it was because we wanted you to be... regal. Or something. I don't know."
    Prince finally decided to quit attacking his dad with sorrowful words. After listening to that answer, he remembered that gods were just like mortals in at least one aspect: they felt, they desired, they made mistakes, they suffered because of consequences. And so, they needed forgiveness. "I undestand now. And I'm sorry." He looked away, ashamed for the time after being rude to this father. Then, he thought of making a simple question. If his father had been watching him from above all that years, he probably had more reasons to be ashamed than to be proud of his son. Although he was always very honored, Prince knew he was a bad boy, a heartbreaker, a lazy piece of trash... A despicable person in general, at least according to his own opinion. The gods expected epic heros out of their children, that was obvious, in every risky quests the poor demigods were sent to, only to prove their worth. Prince was more like an antihero. So, he began to wonder... "If you've always been watching me, but never said anything... Could you tell me what do you think of me? I know I never show my worth. In fact, I'm nothing but a slag, and not even I am proud of myself. And no, I don't think I'm regal at all." He confessed, sighing. His great ego was just a mask, and he threw it away as he finally faced his father.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Kendall 1/1/2014, 6:11 pm

    Zachattac wrote:"Yes, Poe is my idol. His works contain both mystery, gore, yet a dramatic burst of beauty" she smiled. "I was even named after 'the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore" she said easily, having known the poem of 'the raven' for as long as she can remember. She felt quite comfortable now that Poe as come into the conversation.

    Aphrodite was not well-read in Poe, but even she was familiar with that poem. "Lenore is a wonderful name," she muttered to herself. "His poetry is divine; I think Apollo or one of the Muses even had a hand in helping him with it, but that's only a rumor; Apollo and them won't say much about Poe, except to compliment him." She glanced sideways at the god of the sun himself, then back at Lenore with a half-shrug.

    Chronos wrote:"sounds sooo boring."austin saidas he got the horrible thought of sitting all day listening to athena talk about plans and stuff

    "Not really. War is always fun -- for me, anyway. Not for the dying people and all, I guess, though." Ares folded his arms across his chest, leaning against the wall. Dying was, really, none of Ares's concern; that was Hades and Thanatos and all of those Underworld guys.

    AuroraGirl wrote:My mother smiled, and I could tell she thought I had a nice voice. I was speechless, and to not have it be more awkward than it already was, I continued singing. This time though, a bit louder. I started getting into it, then quieted down to not interrupt the other god's conversations.

    Mousika played with the tab on the end of her little pack of tissues, still listening to her daughter sing. She had such a pleasant voice -- like her father's. "Go on, dear -- you're doing wonderfully." Maybe, just maybe, Mousika would write her daughter a song to sing and send it to her someday.

    Look Who wrote:Ooc:Kenny, Thank You.

    "X said I can't believe the gods chose you guys. Ask Etso. He turned to the girl with Amphirite (I don't know) and saod "Excuse me, Etso? Regan? I need a little help explaining here."

    Mr. D raised an eyebrow but said nothing, tossing the empty can in his hand up and down. He still had no idea what this kid was going on about.

    The Seelie Queen wrote:Maeve raised an eyebrow. She couldn't imagine herself giving people nightmares... for fun. "Do -- do you ever accidentally forget to give someone a dream? Is that why sometimes people forget their dreams in the morning, or at whatever time they wake up?" She was suddenly interested in the subject of dreams -- she had so many questions but felt like her father would get mad if she asked them all.


    Caleb shrugged. "I guess not...." he said, looking down at the ground before looking back up at his father. "I just thought... you would want to have it happen more, y'know? That you'd want to be more known. I mean, I'm not saying that doom is necessarily good-- oh, who the hell am I kidden'? It's not, but I just thought that you'd prefer to have it more common and easier to discover."  

    "Do I forget to? Well, sometimes I forget to give them vivid ones; minor ones like them just sitting in a library for what seems like five minutes are easier to give so that's what I usually go for first, but they're much easier to forget too. Unremarkable things to remember, really." Morpheus was scratching his neck thoughtfully; he seemed to be developing a slight rash there, but it was nothing a nice healing god or goddess couldn't fix for him.

    "Do I want to be more known? Heh. I suppose all of us gods want to be more known, but then again, not all of us govern the most positive, sunshine-filled subjects on this side of the galaxy." Moros looked at Caleb, slightly amused. The boy was half-right; Moros did want more attention to himself, but it was tiring being known for negativity and death and horrible twists of fate. He and the Fates and some of the other more negativity-filled gods, like Eris and Nemesis, were often rather chummy with each other, and that was enough to suit Moros. "I'm rather unpopular both on Olympus and in the mortal world; it gets a bit tiring being a god to avoid, y'know? But I don't mind much. I find people to hang around with anyway -- a lot of the minor gods like, say, Phobetor and Nemesis -- and it's rather fulfilling to be cursed so much in mortals' last moments." He smiled crookedly at his son, rubbing a scratch on his cheek.

    Shadowhunter wrote:"We've been fine," She replies, a bit thrown off by the concern in her voice. The whole affair is actually abnormal and comforting at the same time.

    "Sebastian?" She replies to the familiar voice and turns towards it source. Her heart flutters, and she feels guilty when I recognize the feeling from one of the many times I've talked to Aaron in the woods.

    I excuse myself and take Lanndon, promising to return quickly.

    She's by his side in seconds, not afraid to show her amusement at Dionysus. "Explaining, what?" I ask.

    Amphitrite nodded, eyeing the boy with Dionysus oddly. She had heard snatches of their conversation, and she too was unfamiliar with what they were talking about. Odd. Amphitrite lived in the ocean with her husband, but they often received news very fast from Hermes or IMs from some of their friends on Olympus; they would have heard of such things by now.

    Look Who wrote: "The murder thingy. X said the gods chose us. My father says he has no idea what we're talking about."

    "And I still don't," Dionysus grumbled to himself. With a wave of his hand, his crushed Diet Coke can disappeared, replaced by a new, unopened, cold one. He opened it and took a sip.

    High Warlock of Brooklyn wrote:
    Kendall wrote:Phobos frowned slightly. He realized the admonishment from Prince was reasonable, but.... "It gets lonely being immortal. Being with a mortal is a... breath of fresh air, I suppose. People unaffected by petty godly wars, just going about their everyday lives and not wondering whether or not you were going to be struck down into the Underworld by this or that god. So simple. I suppose I should stop having children, but that's a thing hardly to be stopped; Zeus encourages it, however brief, for us to produce new generations of heroes." He chuckled to himself, cracking his knuckles. Sometimes he really wondered about that guy -- his romantic exploits were literally the stuff of legends, including him being petty and jealous and even more extreme than he would ever admit. "I was watching you -- most gods with kids at least try to keep tabs on them. Don't remember why you're named Prince, but I suppose it was because we wanted you to be... regal. Or something. I don't know."
    Prince finally decided to quit attacking his dad with sorrowful words. After listening to that answer, he remembered that gods were just like mortals in at least one aspect: they felt, they desired, they made mistakes, they suffered because of consequences. And so, they needed forgiveness. "I undestand now. And I'm sorry." He looked away, ashamed for the  time after being rude to this father. Then, he thought of making a simple question. If his father had been watching him from above all that years, he probably had more reasons to be ashamed than to be proud of his son. Although he was always very honored, Prince knew he was a bad boy, a heartbreaker, a lazy piece of trash... A despicable person in general, at least according to his own opinion. The gods expected epic heros out of their children, that was obvious, in every risky quests the poor demigods  were sent to, only to prove their worth. Prince was more like an antihero. So, he began to wonder... "If you've always been watching me, but never said anything... Could you tell me what do you think of me? I know I never show my worth. In fact, I'm nothing but a slag, and not even I am proud of myself. And no, I don't think I'm regal at all." He confessed, sighing. His great ego was just a mask, and he threw it away as he finally faced his father.

    Phobos tilted his head slightly, frowning at his son. Well, indeed, the god had seen some of Prince's exploits and been none too proud of it -- but then again, he had many children over the years that he wasn't exactly proud of. "Well," he began gruffly, "you are a bit too much of a lady's man -- or try to be -- and yeah, you're sort of an egotist. You've sort of improved a bit, I suppose, but I don't keep track of you often enough to tell whether or not it's just the people you're around that changes you, or whether or not you're really changing." Phobos, obviously, wasn't one to sugarcoat his words.

    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 1/1/2014, 8:07 pm

    "Well, we were brought to this place with a bunch of other demigods. A mansion, kind of. Then this guy told us that the gods had asked us to come there. Then, people started getting killed. Me and Sebastian managed to escape, along with one other." She explains, looking at her own mother in confusion.

    "They didn't know?" She asks Sebastian, a hint of concern in her voice. Great. Now I have two major threats to worry about.

    Last edited by Shadowhunter on 1/2/2014, 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by The Seelie Queen 1/1/2014, 8:32 pm

    Maeve silently laughed at the 'library' part. "So that means that you're constantly coming up with dreams?" she said, rubbing her left forearm. "That sounds like a tough job." she couldn't imagine herself doing that -- coming up with specific dreams to give to certain people 24/7.


    Caleb got shivers down his spine at what his god parent said lastly, but chose to ignore it. He didn't need nor want to think about stuff like that. Shaking his head, he said, "I honestly don't think you're unpopular in the mortal world. Sure, they avoid you... you're.... what's the word I'm looking for? Oh, right, infamous." Caleb didn't feel as uncomfortable around his father as he had originally thought he would. They were having a thorough conversation, which was good enough for him. "So I would give you some credit for that, at least. Also -- you hang around Phobetor? That.... doesn't sound pleasant."
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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Holly 1/1/2014, 8:46 pm

    Lenore shrugged as well, but at least now she was comfortable talking to her mom, any barrier between the two had melted easily with those few words. "I write poetry myself" she said proudly, looking up at her. She ha stopped twisting her hair around her finger and instead stood relaxed, her eyes and facial expressions showing comfort "my twin couldn't be here for some reason" she explained, feeling sorry that her twin wasnt with her talking to Aphrodite.
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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by xXVickyXx 1/1/2014, 9:29 pm

    "Ares,tell me,do you even like Demi-Gods,or even you own children?"

    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Guest 1/1/2014, 10:12 pm

    Lorelei grinned, she liked talking about her rocket. "Paper towel roll and some paper. There was a film canister inside to hold the propulsion ingredients in." Lei enjoyed talking to her mother; and talking about engineering, she really liked that class. Even if she has to go to Central Park over the weekends.
    Evanna sneered, "Well come on down, Pop. It's not like they're going to notice you missing." Evanna did not regret one word of that. He could've done something, I-message at least.
    "Am I your first kid today or what?"
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    Post by moriarty 1/1/2014, 11:14 pm

    I smiled. "Thank you Mother. But I'll never be as good as you!" Don't be too proud Aurora. Just smile and nod. I continued singing, and started strumming my ukelele chords in the air.
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    Post by xXSpiritXx 1/1/2014, 11:22 pm

    "Course I do, loads of fireworks to set off. Which reminds me I ought to get goin. I still have to finish making about twenty four more." Roxy had put on her all work no play face. "Sorry mum I've got to go!" Roxy quickly hugged Hestia. "It was great seein you, stop by soon." she smiled sweetly before running to the elevator. As the doors closed she waved goodbye to Hestia. "Gods I hate elevators." she groaned.

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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Chronos 1/1/2014, 11:51 pm

    "whoes domain would it be if for say there was a war in the underworld? yours of hades?"
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 1/2/2014, 10:08 am

    Kendall wrote:Athena looked at her daughter for a long moment; Celine looked like she wanted to cry. As the words dawned on her, she began to smile -- she had to, of course. This was her child talking to her, and her child she had tried to help if and when she could; there was something gratifying about helping her children. "Thank you, Celine -- I must say, over the years you've made me fairly proud." The goddess laid a hand on the girl's shoulder, giving her a comforting squeeze.
    Celine giggled, feeling more than flattered with that simple compliment. "...Really?" That small rhetorical question was the most Celine could say. She was so stunned that it made her momentarily stupid. And she was absolutely speechless when Athena finally touched her. It was a simple gesture of care, but it was enough to compensate all the years of distance. Celine felt a sweet tingling all over her body, she could feel Athena's strong power as if it was a soft electric shock. She had to control herself not to start crying again, and slowly dared to lay her own hand over her mother's.
    Kendall wrote:Phobos tilted his head slightly, frowning at his son. Well, indeed, the god had seen some of Prince's exploits and been none too proud of it -- but then again, he had many children over the years that he wasn't exactly proud of. "Well," he began gruffly, "you are a bit too much of a lady's man -- or try to be -- and yeah, you're sort of an egotist. You've sort of improved a bit, I suppose, but I don't keep track of you often enough to tell whether or not it's just the people you're around that changes you, or whether or not you're really changing." Phobos, obviously, wasn't one to sugarcoat his words.
    Prince hadn't the right to get angry: he asked for the truth, and the truth would always hurt a bit. In fact, he was already aware of all that flaws, but it was different to hear them from his father. Although Phobos didn't seem to be really disappointed - in fact, he seemed to be used to demigods like that, maybe it was a family problem - Prince felt like he must get better. And from that moment, he would start charging himself relentlessly, to become not only a great hero, but a nice person. His personality would always be a problem to him, but as Phobos said, he would be able to change with some effort and some help. "You're right. I even agree. I swear I will change, I swear I will make you really proud." Prince affirmed, looking back at his dad with his golden brown eyes shining firmly. "And... What about my sister? She wanted so much to come here today, but unfortunately she couldn't. So... Do you have anything to tell her? Anything comforting? She just arrived to CHB after years of trouble... She's confused. And she's a real great daughter, way better than me, I think. She deserves your attention more than I do." Prince replied, not very sure of what he had just asked.

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    Mount Olympus - Page 7 Empty Re: Mount Olympus

    Post by Maybeth 1/2/2014, 12:25 pm

    Kendall wrote:"Haikus. My specialty for now." Apollo smiled, pulling out a small notepad and pencil to begin jotting down the ideas. This was going to be fun -- bonding time. Heck yeah. "Okay, so. You know anything about astrology? Certain constellations she likes, planets...? We could always ask Ourania about stars -- she's the goddess of astronomy."

    -No... Jason admitted. He knew few stuff about astronomy, but not Victoria's favorites... He added this to the list of questions he would one day ask her.
    -But we could speak general right? He asked.

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